The Unique Role of Libraries when Introducing a MakerEd Mindset into Learning

As the Maker Movement continues to assert itself as a legitimate form of experiential teaching and learning, more schools are embracing the culture, problem solving, and hands-on learning opportunities that makerspaces provide. Leading the charge in the K-12 area are library makerspaces, which have created brand new ways for students to learn and created brand new responsibilities for many school librarians. 

Download our free white paper to learn more about how school librarians can leverage maker tools and technology to bring a MakerEd Mindset to every student.


The Role of Libraries in Makerspace Learning

  • The rapid changes and growing responsibilities for school librarians
  • Almost 90 percent of school maker activities now take place in libraries


Embracing the Effectiveness of MakerEd Experiences

  • Adopting a maker mindset to advance the principles that propel the Maker Movement
  • The elements that constitute the creation of a successful library makerspace


School librarians are often the first adopters of a maker mindset

  • Creating synergy between learning in the library and learning in the classroom
  • Understanding how MakerEd activities can be woven into the curriculum