Who says learning has to involve books and equations? Not anymore! The Code-a-pillar is a real-deal, robotic tool that introduces kids as young as 3 years old to what it means to be a coder! Its replaceable sections—just like the ones on a real caterpillar—represent different actions and kids customize their makeup until they've coded the movements of this educational insect! No other early learning tool provides a better balance of programming and play than what kids get with the Code-a-Pillar!

Each segment of the Code-a-pillar is a removable programming block with a specific value or function. These simple commands (forward, left, and right) help little learners experiment with creativity and build problem solving, sequencing, and critical thinking skills—while they play! Using Code-a-pillar's nine easy-to-connect segments, kids can mix and match, obtaining different results and creating learning that goes beyond ABC's and 123's! Get motor skills primed and help kids learn that their actions lead to other actions with this early programming staple!

the code-a-pillar early education coding robot

With the Code-a-pillar, children can learn crucial 21st century skills, including the basics of programming and how to creatively design and experiment. Plus, it's completely tactile as opposed to tablet-based, which gives kids the chance to see the effects of their programming in real time. It comes with plenty of intuitive guidance as well, so kids won't just be experimenting—they'll be playing with a purpose. 

Designed for kids a young as 3 years old, Code-a-pillar inspires little learners to boast big thinking by turning skills development into a game! It encourages children to work with their hands, arranging (and re-arranging) its snap-together segments in endless combinations that make it move or keep it stuck! The order and combinations of the Code-a-pillar’s pieces send it in different directions, offering children an early idea of what it’s like to code! Kids will also learn how to think independently, cultivate their curiosity into actionable learning, and engage in open-ended discovery earlier than ever!

The Code-a-pillar’s segments act as programming blocks, each with a different function. When kids construct and then rearrange the parts of the Code-a-pillar, it blazes a path in a new direction, displaying cool lights and sounds wherever it goes. The kit includes nine different segments, including a motorized head and eight body segments that represent different programmable actions, enabling extensive journeys and endless hours of play! Kids can even configure the segments to make Code-a-pillar reach targets they set up throughout the room. It also comes fully equipped with lights, fun character sounds, blinking eyes, and requires just four AA alkaline batteries to get kids started with entry-level programming!

If you want to give your your children an edge or want something STEM-related on their Holiday wish lists, Code-a-pillar is a great option! To browse other coding tools for kids in the early grades, check out what's available on the Eduporium store.