Every year, online analytics company, Onalytica, releases many reports detailing who the top social media influencers are in certain areas. They recently released their report on STEAM for July 2017-July 2018 and we're among the Top 100 Brands in STEM! Not only did we crack the top 100, we're No. 4! They analyzed over 2 million posts across all channels in the last year and used a unique formula to determine STEM's top brands! Click below to view the entire list of STEM insights or download the full report.

Joining us on the list is some pretty impressive company, including a few of our partners. You'll also recognize big names like the Girl Scouts of America, National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Discovery Education, Minecraft Education, Project Lead the Way, and more! It's an honor to be included among this group and even more so to be so close to the top! Thank you to Onalytica and everyone who's interacted with our social media posts for helping to make this possible. We look forward to maintaining our role in STEM education and maybe even moving up a spot or two in the future!