If you haven’t heard, the Wonder Workshop team has been hosting a 10-day virtual summit for educators! It will feature of a variety of webinars and other online learning events that any educator can attend. They kicked off the summit with their CEO, Vikas Gupta, addressing hundreds of educators in attendance this past Monday and they revealed a new, virtual environment in which students can program the Dash Robot! While this is all extremely exciting, we’re also very excited to be sponsoring one of the upcoming virtual sessions. It will be hosted by 4th grade teacher, Jasmine Saab, and taking place on Wednesday, April 15! We’ll be giving away a Wonder Starter Pack to one attendee and you can register on the Wonder Workshop website!
Space is quickly filling up on the virtual guest list, so we invite you to reserve your spot now. Jasmine is a 4th grade teacher and Wonder Workshop ambassador. She's used robotics and various STEAM tools extensively in her classroom instruction. The topic of her talk is Coding Activities for Elementary Students and she’ll cover a range of relevant topics for educators and parents who are interested.

The talk is perfect for elementary educators and any parents of elementary students. Jasmine will also be touching on using robotics and coding across the curriculum, including as part of instruction in math, science, ELA, social studies, and literacy classes. You'll learn strategies for integrating the Dash, Dot, and Cue into core content courses and see some lesson ideas as well.
The webinar will begin on Wednesday, April 15 at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT. You must register to attend and the link to do so is on all our Wonder Workshop product pages. We’re looking forward to Jasmine’s talk as well as the rest of the sessions in the virtual summit. We took in the opening keynote and it was great to hear from Wonder Workshop’s founder and some members of their creative team, so, if you’re looking for something that’s as inspirational as it is informative, we’d definitely recommend checking out the rest of the virtual summit schedule.
If you have any questions about the virtual summit or the session we are sponsoring, please contact us! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well and like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news and distance learning resources. And, to follow along with Wonder Workshop’s virtual summit on social media, check out the #WWVirtualSummit hashtag!