We’ve built valuable relationships with classroom teachers, librarians, technology directors, and school district leaders over the years and, while we’re incredibly thankful for all of those partnerships, we always strive to do more for our customers. This year, we’ve submitted an entry to FedEx's Small Business Grant Contest, going up against a lot of other incredibly unique and innovative small businesses and start-ups in competing for the award. In order to receive one of the prizes after voting comes to a close next month, we need votes! If you have 30 seconds to increase our chances of improving supply chain management and fulfillment, please vote for Eduporium!

As our mission continues to evolve, we would benefit greatly from improvements to our existing tools. We strive to provide each of our customers with the fastest possible shipments and being able to implement a new ERP system would go a long way in streamlining our supply chain management. The ultimate goal would be using potential grant funds to implement a system that integrates directly with school purchasing platforms. This would create an even smoother one-stop shopping experience for all customers on our store.

If awarded any of the prizes from FedEx’s grant program, we would also create all-new marketing collateral. This would help increase brand awareness and further spread our mission at local and national conferences, events, and trade shows. Again, you can vote for our submission once every 24 hours now through March 8. If you'd like to send the link to any of your school, district, or PLN contacts, we’d appreciate that too! We thank you for your support and look forward to enhancing our offerings, building relationships, and continuing to empower students!