It can be tough knowing what to do with a 3D printer in the classroom. With the MyStemKits solutions, however, it doesn't have to be. This subscription provides educators with tons of grade-specific lesson plans, one-of-a-kind models, and STEM learning that's truly interdisciplinary. Using this comprehensive system, teachers can create curriculum that's problem-based, standards-driven, and future-facing! We know that educators (and students) like to have step-by-step instructions with using new technology and that's exactly what you'll get from MyStemKits!
The content in MyStemKits is separated by grade level with three areas of focus: K-5, 6-8, and high school. The turnkey solutions allow students to stream 3D models directly to their 3D printers and easily engineer something impressive. With over 250 kits and more than 200 lessons, MyStemKits is ideal for optimizing educational 3D printing! Among the different STEM-focused lessons, students can leverage 3D printing to learn more about math and science, including geometry, measurements, data tracking, algebraic thinking, life science, and physical science—and that's just in elementary school! The vision of combining these STEM subjects directly with 3D printing is both something we thought was brilliant and unlike anything we had seen before!
Once students move onto middle school, they can use the same kits to take on new challenges and learn new skills based on the foundational skill sets they have previously developed. Here, they'll start learning about computer science to help prepare them for an increasingly technical world. They're able to explore how computers communicate using a binary kit and even put their code on paper using a Logic Gate kit. Students can also use one of these kits in conjunction with another and create a cross-curricular experience that's centered on coding, life science, and, of course, 3D printing.

The versatility and real-world relevance that come with MyStemKits are truly innovative. That theme continues into high school and students using MyStemKits beyond eighth grade will get the opportunity to develop skills and understand concepts that are essential as they transition into a higher education environment. Since it's important for students to know more than just material these days, MyStemKits helps them learn to work with people from various backgrounds and solve the most challenging problems. The high school content in particular helps students focus on math concepts like algebra, functions, statistics, and probability and more on the key concepts of computer science as well.
By bringing so many subject areas together, MyStemKits is perhaps the most versatile educational tool we have on our store. Rather than learning about geometry, for example, from a math book and writing problems on a white board, students can lead their own learning by creating 3D printed manipulatives that encompass a range of STEM concepts. This focus on real-world learning is designed to promote deeper conceptual understanding among students, resulting in better preparedness for the 21st century. With the world's largest library of 3D printable kits and curriculum, MyStemKits provides a standards-aligned solution for schools looking to innovate with impact!
As of now, we have five MyStemKits options available on our store—two that include a 3D printer from Robo 3D and three that are just standalone curricula. There is the Curriculum Starter Plan, Curriculum Classroom Plan, and Curriculum School Plan with each progressing in the amount of content they provide for students and teachers. To learn more about MyStemKits or to start shopping, visit the Eduporium store or explore additional 3D printing content on our blog.