With wide-ranging educational apps available today encouraged by the rapid growth of academic institutions that are leveraging mobile learning, children are now significant beneficiaries and successors of digital tools. Many of them might be aspiring to be designers, developers, and even app creators to become the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.
Eduporium’s revamped Resources Portal, which has evolved from a general collection of resources, gives you a great place to start. In addition to a brand-new look, it now contains Product Pages, Project Pages and Voices Pages as well as a General section. Learn more about what’s now available inside.
DJ-ing is very important to music technology because it is one of the most popular ways of getting different types of music and audio technology to places everyone can see. DJ-ing is different from other sound production in the sense that it is more of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together rather than just engineering one specific piece.
What if we only went to websites that we knew, and navigated using the links supplied on the page. How many “degrees of separation” would we get between two websites that each would be considered significant resources for the subjects we were exploring? Learn more about that and get ready for Digital Learning Day!
This is not a law of physics nor of nature but an observation about the rate of advancement in computing. “Moore’s law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years—this roughly translates into the speed of computing doubling every two years.”
Love exploring? Love travelling? Love photography? Love to see new things? Here’s something that combines all of those: Panoramio is a user-generated collection of images superimposed on a world map, powered by Google Earth. If you’re interested in looking at images of a certain place, just move the map over to that place, and zoom in!
Ever call someone and accidentally hear a conversation between two people you’ve never met, you just happened to tune in to their phone line? As far as I understand it, one of the mechanisms developed to prevent interference or unauthorized connections, especially between devices connected by radio waves, is called frequency hopping.
They were so engaged by the program (or probably just by the iPads themselves) that they didn’t hear me calling their names. Even after a tap or two on the shoulder, I still couldn’t get their attention. They laughed and said they were like zombies. One student added, “Yeah iPad Zombies.” I think the title is very befitting—here’s why.
Technology really is everywhere, even if sports doesn’t come to mind first as a field with high technology use and implementation. Staff Writer Eli Kell-Abrams writes about a piece of software used to perfect basketball. As our society continues to advance itself technologically, we also see some of these developments in the world of sports.
This app offers you a unique approach to trivia as you piece together each question from a selection of phrases and challenge kids to find the answer. As such, it’s a good tool for embracing facts and figures as well. And, with this app’s exuberant, kid-friendly presentation, it is great for students nine and up, but all will enjoy using