Teacher Tools

teacher tools for the classroom

  1. Rising Resources | The Kami App And Digital Classrooms

    Rising Resources | The Kami App And Digital Classrooms
    With the Kami app, teachers can essentially upload the physical version of any instructional resource, like worksheets or photo copies, onto the Kami platform. From there, they can display it on a whiteboard for all students in their classroom to see or transform these documents into more interactive learning assets with the feedback and annotation tools in the Kami
  2. Rising Resources | ClassLink And Single Sign-On

    Rising Resources | ClassLink And Single Sign-On
    ClassLink helps classroom instructors and education administrators at any levels remove some of the problematic accessibility barriers their students might experience when searching for high-quality learning resources. Their platform is used in over 2,200 school systems across all 50 states and can help maximize learning time, simplify rostering, and improve digital access.
  3. Top Supplementary Websites For The Classroom

    Top Supplementary Websites For The Classroom
    As education evolves, so do the methods of enriching students’ classroom experiences. For example, gamifying learning can help boost engagement, coding prepares students for the future, and multimedia tools help enliven instruction. Plus, they all challenge kids to apply what they’ve learned. So, we compiled the best supplementary websites for your teaching toolbox.
  4. Using The Owl Labs Meeting Owl 3 And Meeting HQ

    Using The Owl Labs Meeting Owl 3 And Meeting HQ
    The Owl Labs team originally developed their 360-degree cameras and the software for use outside education—typically for corporate settings. As the pandemic and remote and hybrid learning set in, however, this tech quickly helped to redefine how kids accessed instruction. Jump to today and their virtual meeting tools continue to positively impact student engagement.
  5. Rising Resources | StrongMinded SEL

    Rising Resources | StrongMinded SEL
    The importance of SEL is highly touted and many educational leaders have created positions within their schools or districts to ensure that all students are appropriately managing and processing their various emotions. For this reason, we thought we’d take a look at the online social-emotional learning platform known as StrongMinded in this week’s Rising Resources post.
  6. Rising Resources | Screencast-O-Matic

    Rising Resources | Screencast-O-Matic
    As a mobile application or desktop program, Screencast-O-Matic can help make mobile video recording and editing easier on any teacher who likes to customize the content they teach with. Plus, students can get creative with the projects they produce thanks to the simple user experience that makes Screencast-O-Matic a great tech tool in creative education.
  7. Rising Resources | HistoryMaker VR

    Rising Resources | HistoryMaker VR
    History might not necessarily be the favorite subject for some students but combining it with VR experiences often enhances intrigue. There are a lot of virtual reality-based learning tools available to educators now—adding a lot of options for instruction. In this Rising Resources post, we’re going to tell you about one called HistoryMaker VR.
  8. Rising Resources | Quia + Student Review Activities

    Rising Resources | Quia + Student Review Activities
    Typically, with online review tools, educators can find and utilize materials for the most general and common school subjects. With Quia, there are tons of specific review materials for all students and teachers to access. Beyond general math, science, and English content, Quia has valuable games for everything from SAT skills to world languages and more.
  9. Rising Resources | Storybird and Student Storytelling

    Rising Resources | Storybird and Student Storytelling
    An art-inspired platform, Storybird is designed to help students become better writers. One of the most important soft skills in today’s world, we know that communication is key in any future career. Since so much of today’s workforce requires a reliance on digital technologies, it’s easy to see why educators place such an emphasis on writing skills.
  10. Rising Resources | Glogster and Interactive Educational Content

    Rising Resources | Glogster and Interactive Educational Content
    Glogster helps students combine the two and share their talents with ease. With access to all sorts of creative elements, students can design their own interactive digital posters, giving them a unique opportunity to show what they’ve learned. Besides that, much of the content students create is completely three-dimensional!

Items 11 to 20 of 60 total