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STEM Education

STEM education supplies and classroom tools for students

  1. How Kids Can Try The SpaceX Docking Simulator At Home

    How Kids Can Try The SpaceX Docking Simulator At Home
    Students—particularly those who love trying new, STEAM-related activities or experiments—might be looking for any new things to try at home by this point in time. Well, if they do, in fact, enjoy STEAM, there’s a great new tool they can try with any computer. The SpaceX team has created this docking simulation tool that anybody can use to practice landing
  2. Sponsoring A Session For The Wonder Workshop Summit

    Sponsoring A Session For The Wonder Workshop Summit
    Our Wonder Workshop friends revealed the new, virtual environment within which children can program the Dash Robot (available in May)! While that’s all extremely exciting, we are also very excited to be sponsoring one of the upcoming virtual PD sessions. It will be hosted by Jasmine Saab, who is a longtime fourth grade teacher, and it’s taking place on April
  3. Vote for Eduporium in FedEx's Small Business Grant Contest

    Vote for Eduporium in FedEx's Small Business Grant Contest
    In order to receive one of the prizes after voting comes to a close next month, we need votes! If you would like to take 30 seconds to vote for us, increasing our chances of being able to quickly improve our supply chain management and order fulfillment services, you can vote for Eduporium! Find all the info and link to
  4. Rising Resources | Drive Student STEM Interest with STEM-Works

    Rising Resources | Drive Student STEM Interest with STEM-Works
    STEM-Works is a website that anybody can find valuable—not just educators. Anyone who has a passion for STEM education can use STEM-Works to find resources to learn more about STEM teaching approaches, STEM careers, and how to get children more interested in potential career fields within this area.
  5. Rising Resources | Practice Math with Prodigy

    Rising Resources | Practice Math with Prodigy
    Designed for students between first and eighth grade, Prodigy offers an interactive experience for students to learn specific math concepts in a fun way and at their own pace. Keep reading to learn more about Prodigy and how it offers a successful, game-based option for teaching math! Keep reading to learn more about it.
  6. Introducing Eduporium's EdTech Grant Recipient for September!

    Introducing Eduporium's EdTech Grant Recipient for September!
    We’re excited to be able to provide Sharon and her students with some new alternative energy tools to use in their classroom and can’t wait to see how things shake out! Sharon submitted a great application with some wonderful background information on the work she has done to better learn how to teach STEM to her students, which we loved!
  7. Eduporium CEO Is Voted On To Museum Of Science Board

    Eduporium CEO Is Voted On To Museum Of Science Board
    Boston’s Museum of Science is located right across the Charles River from us. Since they’re all so focused on science, teaching, and STEM education in particular, we have always been big fans of their work, and our CEO and President, Rick Fredkin, in particular has always found himself intrigued by these experts. Now, he will have a more prominent role
  8. Tips & Tricks | Makeblock Airblock Drone

    Tips & Tricks | Makeblock Airblock Drone
    The Airblock drone from Makeblock is not your average drone—it’s made of magnetic foam pieces and it’s programmable! It has one core module and six power modules that connect via magnets to build a drone, hovercraft, and other DIY configurations. Students can control Airblock using the Makeblock app for easy programming and piloting.
  9. Submit Original Activities. Earn Eduporium Store Credit.

    Submit Original Activities. Earn Eduporium Store Credit.
    After setting tech tools up, sliding in some batteries (if necessary), and turning it on, some educators are often left wondering ‘what comes next?’ For that reason, we’ve been big advocates of creating easy-to-follow starter activities for teachers to use in the classroom and now we’ve taken that initiative a step further!
  10. Our Recent Contributions at School STEM Events

    Our Recent Contributions at School STEM Events
    At Eduporium, we truly believe in the power of partnerships. We’ve cultivated some lasting relationships with schools and educational programs all over the Northeast. After helping these partners perfect their technology offerings for their students, we’re always thrilled to assist them in other ways, too!