Remote Learning

remote learning and teaching in the pandemic era

  1. Guest Blog: Distance Between Special Ed Kids And Teachers

    Guest Blog: Distance Between Special Ed Kids And Teachers
    I am Amrapali Sharma and, as a longtime special education teacher, I often use an IEP (individualized education program) that I’d drawn up for each of my students, keeping in mind their current abilities, and including some set of reasonable goals we want them to work towards. Given what we’re now facing, a lot of that has gotten more challenging.
  2. 5 Ways to Make Physical Activity Educational at Home

    5 Ways to Make Physical Activity Educational at Home
    In my case, my classroom is the largest one in the school. It has anchor charts, word walls, posters—you name it! However, instead of doing a writing assignment, my students practice essential skills necessary to lifelong health. And, just because learning has largely moved online, it does not mean their physical education can stop.
  3. Eduporium Experiment | Virtual Root Robot

    Eduporium Experiment | Virtual Root Robot
    Starting as an iOS-exclusive robot, Root has just recently implemented an online coding platform which can be accessed on most major devices! With iRobot’s online coding platform, students don’t even need the physical Root to practice coding! Keep reading if you want to learn more about how students can code at home with Root’s Virtual SimBot.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Continuing Coding Education At Home

    Eduporium Weekly | Continuing Coding Education At Home
    With everybody scrambling to find some sort of solution to get as much as they can from this experience and also reminding each other that distance learning does not have to be perfect, some things that students do in their classrooms are going to be fully eliminated or scaled back when it comes to remote learning. And, one of those
  5. Tips & Tricks | littleBits Educator Starter Kit

    Tips & Tricks | littleBits Educator Starter Kit
    Since it was released a few months back, we’ve gotten the chance the try out the littleBits Educator Starter Kit, which essentially serves as a trial kit for educators interested in STEAM learning with littleBits. It’s one single littleBits kit and doesn’t include much more than teachers and students need to get started inventing with littleBits.
  6. Distance Learning Resources From Some Of Our Partners

    Distance Learning Resources From Some Of Our Partners
    As you know, everybody is doing their part to pull together resources for remote learning and that includes the companies whose STEM tools we sell on our store. Whether it’s at-home project ideas, best practices webinars, or tips for cleaning, we want to keep the learning going as best we can!
  7. Distance Learning Advice For All Teachers Amid COVID Closures

    Distance Learning Advice For All Teachers Amid COVID Closures
    You have probably had resources for remote learning all but thrown at you over the last couple of weeks with the reality that has hit much of the K-12 education world. While there’s no specific formulas for creating successful distance learning lessons, there are at least strategies for teachers who’ve found themselves thrust into this new role without much time
  8. Rising Resources | Creating Videos with Flipgrid

    Rising Resources | Creating Videos with Flipgrid
    These days, it’s all about engagement. If you’re not getting students’ attention and keeping it, there’s a pretty good chance real learning is not happening. Like with adults, educators are now relying more and more on video (short videos to be more specific) in order to get and hold the attention of their students and Flipgrid can really help.
  9. Rising Resources | Socrative for Formative Assessments

    Rising Resources | Socrative for Formative Assessments
    With Socrative, teachers can create quick quizzes and assessments that cover the key points of the material discussed in class. It’s a great way to leverage technology to check for understanding of key terms and concepts and it’s really easy to use! Both teachers and students can create an account and teachers can create questions very quickly.
  10. Rising Resources | Moodle in Online Learning

    Rising Resources | Moodle in Online Learning
    There is a decent chance your school already uses Moodle as it supports 90 million users and tens of thousands of learning environments worldwide, including the London School of Economics, State University of New York, Shell, and Microsoft. Keep reading to learn why Moodle is such a recognized and Rising Resource for educators.

Items 51 to 60 of 61 total