The simple software, active engineering, and long-lasting learning kids crave and teachers approve of comes with the GoPiGo robot kits from Dexter Industries. Whether in the classroom, makerspace, or an afterschool robotics club, these are the kinds of products that promote innovative, hands-on learning. What’s to love about the GoPiGo robots?
The Raspberry Pi is a tool that I’ve become very aware of since I started working here at Eduporium: there’s one in the entryway of our office running a slideshow with company announcements and events. It’s one of the first products we show off to visitors, interviewees, and people joining our team and it is one of our most adaptable
The Raspberry Pi is a $35 computer about the size of a credit card. Its capabilities are astounding and it keeps getting more and more powerful as new models are released. What’s most impressive is the way it transforms complex projects into amazingly simple machines and helps shape future ready students through hands-on adventures.
Let’s celebrate with music today’s super-special π Day that comes around only once a century—if we make sure to use standard American date-writing conventions. While traditionally, π Day is celebrated on 3/14 at 1:59, this year we can celebrate it twice on 3/14/15 at 9:26 AM and 9:26 PM. Head inside for opportunities for students to celebrate on their own.
While in the office and doing some research I overheard two of my co-workers discussing Raspberry Pi. Two things happened next, and I can’t remember which came first. One, my stomach growled loud enough for my family to hear it back in California; and two, I jumped from behind my desk and asked where the pie was, and who had