Many elementary students would need to use manipulatives to solve the division problem above, probably by counting out 30 of some object then partitioning them into groups of six. But, how come as an adult, you were able to solve this problem without manipulatives? Is it because you learned math in school without manipulatives?
Let’s celebrate with music today’s super-special π Day that comes around only once a century—if we make sure to use standard American date-writing conventions. While traditionally, π Day is celebrated on 3/14 at 1:59, this year we can celebrate it twice on 3/14/15 at 9:26 AM and 9:26 PM. Head inside for opportunities for students to celebrate on their own.
We are taking this app around the track to find out what’s under the hood! We’ll tell you if it’s worth your time, if what we find is any good. If it happens to be free, doesn’t mean download you should.Todo Math is a complete curriculum for kindergarten and beyond, which helps young students grasp basic concepts like subtraction and
Math Doodles was designed to provide a place where anyone can discover the joy, wonder, and fun of Mathematics. This version of Math Doodles introduces four challenges plus an additional function sneak peek challenge that will be made available and it’s finished form and a future free update.