Future Ready

teaching future ready skills in the classroom using edtech tools

  1. What Is Career And Technical Education (CTE)?

    What Is Career And Technical Education (CTE)?
    Even with STEM tools and active learning, students oftentimes fail to feel fulfilled. With career and technical education, however, they’re able to gain skills in areas that can truly help them. CTE is proven to increase positive career outcomes, prepare students for college, and even improve success in other academic areas—not just STEM.
  2. Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: A Black Founder’s Path In STEM

    Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: A Black Founder’s Path In STEM
    Eduporium’s co-founder, president, and CEO, Richard Fredkin, never really had what many tech executives would consider as a traditional start in the industry. That’s fine with him, however, since he’s found himself in a place that not too many other Black men have found themselves: in the leading role at a technology company. Learn more about his unique start inside.
  3. How To Bring Video Production Into The STEM Classroom

    How To Bring Video Production Into The STEM Classroom
    Recent issues with student attention have inspired teachers to incorporate more audiovisual elements, like podcasts and videos, into the classroom. Research shows that interacting with videos in class improves students’ engagement and retention of STEM content, as well as increasing class satisfaction. Look inside for tips on using video elements in the classroom.
  4. Tips & Tricks | miniPCR Kits For Teaching Chemistry And Biology

    Tips & Tricks | miniPCR Kits For Teaching Chemistry And Biology
    Identify genes, compare DNA samples, study genetic variations, and more with the miniPCR gel electrophoresis and PCR kits. As children learn skills like micropipetting and using a thermal cycler, they can prepare to take on fields like forensics, agriculture, oncology, and others. Kids can even work with the same PCR equipment used on the International Space Station!
  5. Eduporium Weekly | Scaling Your Afterschool STEM Programs

    Eduporium Weekly | Scaling Your Afterschool STEM Programs
    Education in 21st century schools, especially when educational technology plays a role, is very much aligned with progress, growth, and the scaling of programs. Now that the summer is here, it seems appropriate to talk about some of the programs that students take part in outside of their structured school activities, including various afterschool programs and fun clubs.
  6. Eduporium Weekly | Ideas For Expanding Coding Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Ideas For Expanding Coding Education
    All indications are that coding competencies will continue to open up many promising professional opportunities for today’s students. Coding’s not the only skill that will separate them, however, as we see how soft skills remain equally important but, based on what we see from the workforce, students who build up their coding skills won’t be learning something outdated.
  7. STEM Careers And What Today's Students Should Know

    STEM Careers And What Today's Students Should Know
    STEM education is obviously a major piece of 21st century instruction and we know how important these experiences are for students. Many of those hard and soft skills they learn throughout elementary, middle, and into high school often help them better transition into a future career. Plus, for more and more of them, that career might be very closely related
  8. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness
    Career readiness can mean any number of different things—especially as it pertains to today’s education landscape. As you know, students may move on to college, attend trade schools, or begin working right after completing high school. Thanks to career and technical education programs, however, many students can learn viable skills and quickly begin a relevant career.
  9. High School Esports Benefits And Starting An Esports Team

    High School Esports Benefits And Starting An Esports Team
    What started simply as competitions among lifelong gamers has ballooned to this billion-dollar industry with professional video game players squaring off in tournaments around the world, students earning scholarships to play in college, and learning how to make money. Esports has even permeated high schools and it’s providing brand-new opportunities for development.
  10. Eduporium Weekly | Esports And SEL

    Eduporium Weekly | Esports And SEL
    The appeal of esports in education is not declining in all likelihood. Beyond the opportunities esports participation creates for students, they also have new chances to compete, experience being part of a team, and even work on developing genuine career skills. They can also develop soft skills while competing, which commonly accelerates social-emotional development.

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