The EdTech purchasing process should be enjoyable, informative, stress-free, and as affordable as possible. Our team specializes in helping make all of these things happen by offering a one-stop online STEM store, free consultation, and a hassle-free quoting process to make your purchases as smooth as we can by helping educators identify key focal points.
Educandy is an online review tool children can use to master key concepts and prepare for exams. It is geared towards younger kids, making it one of the best digital review tools for elementary students. Using the very simple software, teachers can create review games in just minutes—with steps as easy as inputting questions and answers—then the platform does the
A professional learning network (a PLN) may traditionally consist of groups of colleagues or like-minded professionals who regularly communicate and collaborate (usually online) to help the members maximize their skill sets. A PLN in the education world involves teachers sharing resources, answering requests, or offering guidance and support while building relationships.
Times have changed and some more traditional teaching methods are not always as effective these days, resulting in children looking for more active learning experiences and ways to tie their learning into their own lives. Any educator who is also interested in something like this should check out the NextLesson platform—the subject of our latest Rising Resources blog.
Go-Lab (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) is an online sharing and authoring platform for educators and students to create, complete, and share labs, apps, and inquiry learning spaces (ILSs). The platform is designed for science teachers in both early and upper grades to incorporate innovative technical learning opportunities.
This week, we’re taking the Eduporium Weekly in a slightly different direction and highlighting some of the best teacher blog posts that we’ve seen in the last year or two. We’re lucky to have (kind of) become a part of a fantastic online teacher community and love all of the content on sites like We Are Teachers, Edutopia, and more.
We understand that it is tremendously difficult for teachers to create custom lessons for each individual student, but we also fear that some students will be left behind if they’re not being taught in a way that works for them. Personalized learning is attainable—so long as educators take some certain steps and go about it in the right way.
We know how challenging it can be to find classroom-friendly tech devices for today’s STEAM-first educators. By partnering with the EF’s that provide technology for teachers, schools, and children, we’ve helped eliminate that EdTech research process and help ensure your students are left using only the best and most affordable technology as they prep for the real world!
At Eduporium, we search all over the world to try to locate the most useful, innovative, and exciting new technologies to deliver to the K-12 academic community. If products can boost creativity and spark a new enjoyment of learning, we’ll want to tell you all about them! With that said, let us present SpatialNote, a brand new space-related way to
Mr. Yearwood loves teaching and has a passion for it primarily because he enjoys interacting with people. He is excited about Geography and loves sharing ideas and concepts about this subject. Consequently, he employs a variety of methods and techniques that make Geography exciting and interesting.