
teaching coding in k-12 education

Coding is, of course, a hugely important area of 21st century education. Whether they're as young as Pre-K or ready to enter college, coding is extremely relevant to almost every student's future. Thankfully, millions of educators and administrators realize the importance of teaching kids to code. Whether it's a curricular requirement or part of an informal school club, programming experiences are amazingly valuable for students. There's also plenty of options, so educators can find something without complicated or pricey features. In this section, you'll see a lot of different topics related to K-12 coding. These include features on particular STEM tools, insights on coding integration, skills students can develop and more. There's also something for teachers of all grade levels. Whether you teach the early grades or have students with the foundation to take the next step, you'll find helpful resources for teaching coding in the classroom.

Coding is truly an experience that all K-12 students can have. Starting in the early grades, students can code screen-free with a tool like the Cubetto Robot. Then, they can start to increase their coding skills and explore Blockly environments using tools like the Dash Robot, Ozobot Evo, and many others. From there, students can explore a bunch of different languages, like Snap!, Scratch, MakeCode, and more and, eventually, expand their skill sets by exploring text-based languages, like JavaScript and Python. All the while, the STEM solutions we advocate for also allow students to learn the most important coding concepts, like loops, variables, inputs, conditionals, and syntax. With a natural progression that leads to increased computer science competencies and enhanced future readiness, it's tough to understate the relevance of coding experiences in the classroom.

  1. Eduporium Experiment | Code-a-pillar

    Eduporium Experiment | Code-a-pillar
    Technology can enable the littlest learners to get a feel for what it’s like to work with their hands and engage in authentic problem solving. Sometimes, we’re even comfortable recommending technology that’s suitable for children who haven’t even entered kindergarten yet. You guessed it—the Code-a-pillar is one of those technologies.
  2. Eduporium Experiment | Coder MiP

    Eduporium Experiment | Coder MiP
    Parents and teachers sometimes shy away from introducing younger children to coding and robotics because they are under the impression that these subject areas are too complex for kids in the early grades. We are pleased to say, however, that, thanks to the recent revolution in educational robotics tools, there is no reason to fear coding.
  3. Eduporium Experiment | CHiP Robot

    Eduporium Experiment | CHiP Robot
    We’ve come a long way from the days of the first robot toys for kids, and now we are able to use incredible technology to simulate behaviors very close to the ones displayed by our actual furry friends. You may have guessed—based on that introduction—that we have recently come across an EdTech tool that fulfills this fantasy.
  4. Eduporium Experiment | Bloxels Pt. 1

    Eduporium Experiment | Bloxels Pt. 1
    The continually evolving nature of the game design industry keeps creators on their toes and the constantly revolving popularity of game design platforms means that developers need to be comfortable with a wide array of computer applications. Keep reading to learn how Bloxels fits that bill and has asserted itself as a valuable teaching technology.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | What's Shaping K-12 CS Education?

    Eduporium Weekly | What's Shaping K-12 CS Education?
    Students as young as first or second grade are able to experience what it’s like to think like a computer scientist thanks to technology tools that replicate the process in a way that’s introductory and age appropriate. Today, computer science is a necessity and, in schools, its prevalence is finally starting to reflect that.
  6. Eduporium Team Sponsors 100 Girls of Code Event in Georgia

    Eduporium Team Sponsors 100 Girls of Code Event in Georgia
    Last Saturday, we took part in our first ever partner event with the 100 Girls of Code organization and it was fantastically successful! Though we could not be there in person since this chapter is located in Georgia and we’re all just outside of Boston, we were still thrilled to contribute to helping create this dynamic makerspace and learning
  7. Thinking Of Buying Robotics Kits For Your School? Don't Miss This

    Thinking Of Buying Robotics Kits For Your School? Don't Miss This
    The webinar will be hosted by Dennis Kambeitz, who works at a company called Robots.Education. Dennis is a world leader in understanding various impacts that robotics and tech will bring to the workforce and what needs to be done in schools to prepare students for it. Like us at Eduporium, he knows this chance is bigger and coming faster than
  8. Eduporium Experiment | Cubetto Pt. 1

    Eduporium Experiment | Cubetto Pt. 1
    Some educators prefer to stay away from screens altogether. With that being the case, how can we make sure students are still getting the 21st century education that they need to succeed? Luckily, early childhood education companies, like Primo Toys, are aware of this issue, and they care very much about making this type of critical education accessible.
  9. 7 High School STEM Tools That Are Driving Student Success

    7 High School STEM Tools That Are Driving Student Success
    Technology is an invaluable catalyst for deeper learning experiences in the early grades, but, by the time students get into their high school years, it is more of a necessity. The new modern workforce is filled with an increasing number of STEM jobs that require applicants to utilize coding, 3D printing, or some other emerging skill. Here are seven options
  10. Two Cool Kits To Get Kids Coding In Kindergarten 

    Two Cool Kits To Get Kids Coding In Kindergarten 
    If you want your kids to start coding, you’re not alone. And you have come to the right place! By the time that elementary-aged students enter into the future workforce in 10 or 12 years, coding will be as mandatory as showing up for work. Luckily, we have these new secrets to help children get ahead of the game—the Base