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1:1 devices in the classroom

Creating a 1:1 program in K–12 schools is nothing new. It remains vital to student access and development, however. We have some insights for finding, distributing, and maintaining devices within your schools or district. The benefits of individual technology devices in schools—especially providing every student with Chromebooks—are extensive. While potentially costly, 1:1 programs help every student get and stay connected—something we have seen become incredibly important following the remote learning era. With simplified access to digitized tools and online materials, children often more easily find information, design creative media, and show what they've learned. Being connected is a cornerstone for 21st century education and we recognize that 1:1 programs are evolving but remain key to student growth and development.
These devices have even become more affordable and practical for district leaders to implement. While some educators might prefer tablets to laptops in 1:1 programs, either option is feasible. It depends on student and teacher preferences and whether or not your students will be transporting their devices between home and school. Factor in remote and hybrid schedules and this becomes a consideration for device selection as well. With their own devices, students gain valuable independence and the freedom to create. They can also simplify self-paced learning and build problem-solving skills on their own. To learn more about 1:1 initiatives, feel free to contact the Eduporium team. We can help educators research, select, and purchase devices for launching their own 1:1 programs. You can reach us by phone at 1 (877) 252-0001 or by email at anytime.

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Items 1 to 10 of 12 total
