Inventing things is a great way for children to blossom into STEAM superstars. Never running out of things to invent is a whole different experience. The littleBits Pro Library is new and improved, providing creative students with enough parts to design intricate inventions or colossal creations. Featuring all the classic littleBits inputs, outputs, sensors, triggers, and other modules, the Pro Library is poised to inspire some serious STEAM inventing!
This giant collection of the latest Bits and accessories is designed to empower students to design and construct inventions that range from super simple to more involved and complex. With 316 Bits and 270 accessories (82 different types in total), the Pro Library can be easily integrated into just about any STEAM classroom, library, makerspace, and grade level. It's designed to support up to 40 students at a time and features enough parts for over 5,000 different inventions!
Plus, it's great for groups in an unstructured or project-based environment, enables kids to build key STEAM skills from an early age, and it's all reusable! Harness the great invention potential of littleBits in an even bigger way and excite kids about inventing their own devices or following along with suggested projects on the littleBits app! The kit comes with three tackle boxes for storage.

Besides all that, this kit is able to help teachers accomplish so much more—especially if they've used littleBits in the classroom before! It encourages kids to create and lead their own project-based learning, incorporate light, sound, motion, and more into inventing, and inspires creativity through advanced STEAM immersion. That's not all, though, as the Pro Library will help teachers excite their students, integrate new angles to STEAM education, and nurture a rapidly advancing repertoire of real-world skills through productive play. Yeah, it's capable of adding a lot to the classroom.
MakerEd is moving on up and the Pro Library's 82 unique Bits and accessories (316 Bits and 270 accessories) is perfect for project-based, group learning. Best of all, every component is reusable, ensuring yearlong opportunities for students to collaborate, engineer, and develop their creativity. The Pro Library even comes with three tackle boxes to simplify storage in the classroom or on the go! To buy a littleBits Pro Library of your own, click below!