In the News & Updates section of our blog, you'll find updates on many of the latest STEM developments. These include happenings from the STEM and MakerEd worlds as well as important Eduporium announcements. This is where we'll share updates on product additions, announce the recipients of our monthly educational technology grant, pass on company news, highlight upcoming events, and discuss a whole lot more when it comes to cool topics in STEM education. Beyond our STEAM coverage, we also touch on various elements of 21st century learning. These include remote instruction, special education, social-emotional learning, and equity and diversity. If it's happening in the world of education, we're interested. And, we'll offer our analysis on what's affecting students, teachers, and administrators, attaching our genuine thoughts to keep you updated.
This is an area for us to keep a repository of recent happenings. Whether it's the release of a new type of technology, any additions to an EdTech product line, the arrival of new brands to our store, or some thoughts on the current state of education, there's a good chance you'll find it here. As time has gone on, we've participated in more STEAM and makerspace events. So, we've started to keep curated collections of those experiences. You can find them all throughout the News & Updates category. As Eduporium continues to expand and we get to participate in more STEM education projects with educators in some of the country's biggest school districts, we'll share those stories, too. We hope our collective accomplishments and partnerships with members of the K–12 community inspire others to innovate in new ways!
The one thing that did stick out about this year’s World Maker Faire—aside from the incredible displays of inventive genius—was the unseasonably hot weather. Since many of the coolest exhibits were displayed outside, it was as much of a race to find the coolest new MakerEd tools for schools as it was to find some shade every once in a
If you’re like one of the many educators who can truly see the value of 3D printing in education, but don’t know how you could afford a 3D printer or, more importantly, don’t think you have enough room in your school, there is another way. The 3D Simo 3D printing pen combines making and art and helps facilitate a smooth
The MC team is opening its campus to host some up-and-coming teaching products, including virtual reality, 3D printing, and more as some of their faculty members explore their potential for enhancing education. Mark your calendars for Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017 from 3:30-6:30pm at Manhattan College’s Kelly Commons in the Bronx, NY.
STEAM education helps you facilitate active learning all around the school, makerspace, or library! But, the more important thing is that our Back to School sale is ending TOMORROW! There’s only one more day to get significantly reduced prices on six top EdTech tools. Click to learn more about what you can save on through then!
The MakerBot team helps make inventors out of almost anyone and we’ve brought their brilliance back to our store just in time for the newest school year! Teachers can now get the 3D printer they really want as well as all the filaments their students could possibly need all in one place. We’re helping bring 3D printing into your school
The Eduporium team recently cemented this beneficial partnership with the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. Out of Norristown, Pa., the MCIU is one of 29 intermediate units in their state that provides support to all of the local schools and districts. They create dynamic programs and services for teachers and students, including workshops, academies, and more.
If you’ve never heard TeacherCast, now’s a good time to start. As the summer’s winding down (we’re sorry), it’s time for teachers to start getting ready for the new school year. There may be struggles. There may be kicking and screaming. And, there may be some overwhelmed feelings when it comes to procuring the best tech tools for students.
We’ve launched a special sale to provide everyone access to our Educator Discount pricing for one month! Head to the Eduporium store, select any of the products below, and new, deeply discounted prices will appear in your cart! You can save on any of these classroom-changing items from now until September 15—just browse our store to find reductions.
It may be time to upgrade your school’s space with something a bit more STEM-focused and exciting. In fact, it probably is. As the new school year begins, we’re making it easier than ever for educators to implement 3D printer labs in their schools and we’ve got the research to back up their value in 21st century instruction.
As another school year approaches—or maybe it’s your first one—it certainly doesn’t hurt to try new things. Many of those new things will come in the form of different educational technologies. Everything from robotics and coding to engineering, 3D printing, and virtual reality is on the table for teachers this school year.