In the News & Updates section of our blog, you'll find updates on many of the latest STEM developments. These include happenings from the STEM and MakerEd worlds as well as important Eduporium announcements. This is where we'll share updates on product additions, announce the recipients of our monthly educational technology grant, pass on company news, highlight upcoming events, and discuss a whole lot more when it comes to cool topics in STEM education. Beyond our STEAM coverage, we also touch on various elements of 21st century learning. These include remote instruction, special education, social-emotional learning, and equity and diversity. If it's happening in the world of education, we're interested. And, we'll offer our analysis on what's affecting students, teachers, and administrators, attaching our genuine thoughts to keep you updated.
This is an area for us to keep a repository of recent happenings. Whether it's the release of a new type of technology, any additions to an EdTech product line, the arrival of new brands to our store, or some thoughts on the current state of education, there's a good chance you'll find it here. As time has gone on, we've participated in more STEAM and makerspace events. So, we've started to keep curated collections of those experiences. You can find them all throughout the News & Updates category. As Eduporium continues to expand and we get to participate in more STEM education projects with educators in some of the country's biggest school districts, we'll share those stories, too. We hope our collective accomplishments and partnerships with members of the K–12 community inspire others to innovate in new ways!
Not only is the Skoog 2.0 awesome for amplifying student voice and helping them produce their own creative sounds, it also works with a couple of our favorite robotics tools so kids can use it in coding education as well! Keep reading to learn more about the Skoog 2.0, its compatible devices, and where to get yours!
Jonathan Long is a middle school STEM teacher in the Eastern Lancaster County (PA) School District and a huge fan of using technology in instruction. He’s used some different EdTech tools in the past and we’re excited to be able to provide him with a new one to try—the databot. Read on to learn more about him and his STEM
A compact and affordable tool, students can use the micro:bit V2 board to start out with beginner level programming and eventually learn to use it for creating programs with much higher levels of complexity. Its biggest value, however, may come in its compatibility with other teaching tools, including the littleBits micro:bit Adapter among other educator favorites.
Modeled directly after the original Finch Robot, this latest version provides teachers with a more robust option when introducing students to computer science and key STEAM concepts. It’s even viable in all levels of education from kindergarten to college and utilizes the micro:bit V2 for its processing power. Read on for more about the Finch 2.0 and its six coding
Once again, we’re excited to share some news about the latest recipient of the Eduporium EdTech grant for the month of June! For the latest grant, we have chosen Sam Yancey, who’s a longtime gifted education teacher in the Haywood County School District in North Carolina! Sam is an avid lover of STEAM education and has used an extensive list
Perfect for some laid-back summer STEAM with plenty of opportunities for students to keep their key skills sharp, there are a variety of new kits from each company on our store. Grabbing any of these options helps make home projects or summer camp lessons more engaging, relevant, and fun for students in the elementary grades.
We were fortunate to sponsor a Virtual Summit session led by fourth grade teacher, Jasmine Saab, and give away a Wonder Starter Pack to one lucky attendee! That attendee would end up being Imani Malaika-Mehta, who is the executive director of the KC Creators Club in Kansas City, and put this post together about her experiences with teaching STEM.
For Rick, participating in something of so much significance provided a great teaching opportunity for him and a great learning opportunity for his two young children. Shortly after the march, Rick spoke with a reporter from the Boston Business Journal and they published the dialogue of the interview earlier this week.
Whether teaching computer science lessons using the Sphero Mini, BOLT, or RVR, Sphero’s robotics solutions open up a whole lot of possibilities for computer science education. You can also try taking your STEAM teaching and learning further and pair the robots with the corresponding curriculum, Sphero’s CS Foundations Courses, which are now available on our store!
For the month of May, the award has been given to Jessica Herr, a teacher at the TC McSwain Elementary School in Staunton, Virginia! With the STEAM tools she’ll be receiving from us, Jessica has a pretty amazing project planned—one that involves drones, coding, bees, and plenty of collaboration for students.