In the News & Updates section of our blog, you'll find updates on many of the latest STEM developments. These include happenings from the STEM and MakerEd worlds as well as important Eduporium announcements. This is where we'll share updates on product additions, announce the recipients of our monthly educational technology grant, pass on company news, highlight upcoming events, and discuss a whole lot more when it comes to cool topics in STEM education. Beyond our STEAM coverage, we also touch on various elements of 21st century learning. These include remote instruction, special education, social-emotional learning, and equity and diversity. If it's happening in the world of education, we're interested. And, we'll offer our analysis on what's affecting students, teachers, and administrators, attaching our genuine thoughts to keep you updated.
This is an area for us to keep a repository of recent happenings. Whether it's the release of a new type of technology, any additions to an EdTech product line, the arrival of new brands to our store, or some thoughts on the current state of education, there's a good chance you'll find it here. As time has gone on, we've participated in more STEAM and makerspace events. So, we've started to keep curated collections of those experiences. You can find them all throughout the News & Updates category. As Eduporium continues to expand and we get to participate in more STEM education projects with educators in some of the country's biggest school districts, we'll share those stories, too. We hope our collective accomplishments and partnerships with members of the K–12 community inspire others to innovate in new ways!
Xaviera receives $100 to put towards school supplies every year but, as we know, this isn’t always enough to create impactful STEM experiences. While thankful for that money, she’s also explored STEM grants to further her resources. Particularly as she works to improve her STEAM lab, these new materials will be super helpful for her and her students.
Essentially, government officials passed legislation in support of financial assistance for key education-related projects, initiatives, and resources to come from the state level. This means that each state government must provide funds for the schools in that state. And, there’s a lot that school and district leaders can spend it on—as well as a time frame.
Brian’s mission is to help all educators get comfortable with using more technology in their instruction—specifically technology tools that help students develop relevant skills. By sharing insights and focusing on how problem-solving technology fits into education, Brian’s community has grown, especially with his Code Breaker and Block Breaker books.
Like many educators, Jessica believes strongly in the power of STEM and community. She’s also seen, however, that it’s not always easy to achieve across-the-board excitement for some initiatives. That’s why she’s going to focus on student collaboration—particularly across disciplines—and help art and CS students build an interactive mural.
This month, we’ve selected Michael Jaber, a high school administrator from Sheboygan, WI as the recipient! Michael works at the Sheboygan South High School and he’s been brainstorming how to capitalize on the high levels of school spirit they have by brining as many students as possible together to work on a project for the whole school community.
One very exciting update to the DroneBlocks curriculum offerings is the virtual coding simulator. Using this web-based platform, students can create block coding programs for the Tello EDU drone and control its maneuvers as it navigates a virtual but realistic environment. And, not to be outdone, the DroneBlocks Code platform is optimized for JavaScript.
We understand that, as an educator, your plate is still extremely full with academics and prioritizing your own mental health. We also realize that creating relevant learning experiences is still your main goal. As we turn the page to 2022, our team of EdTech, STEAM, and MakerEd experts can help you plan and implement the right STEM initiatives for your
If nothing else, members of the education community have (in a large sense) realized how dire the situation has become and educators have become much more comfortable with sharing their own thoughts and displeasures with the sacrifices they’ve made, including many of which (like these) that are brutally honest and sometimes heartbreaking.
Tania works with students from diverse backgrounds and understands the importance of creating equitable STEM opportunities. This factor certainly weighed into her decision when she was evaluating what to request as part of the award. Ultimately, she decided on Root Robots—largely due to their versatility. Head inside to learn more about her plans.
Back in 2020, the Wonder Workshop team released their virtual Dash Robot environment, which allows students to program an authentic but digital version of the Dash. Typically, students and teachers can access this environment through Class Connect on a computer but there’s also another option for mobile coding—the Blockly iOS app.