Eduporium Weekly

the eduporium weekly blog series

Our longest running current blog series, the Eduporium Weekly is your source for relevant education topics. Whether it's related to EdTech, STEM, SEL, makerspaces, soft skills, equity, CTE, or any number of other things, you are sure to find some relevant content here. Our team remains committed to providing intriguing and up-to-date opinions and perspectives on the most important topics—whether they're technology-based or not. Every week, we share our thoughts about those key topics in education. Giving educators a Saturday morning read, many of our Eduporium Weekly posts reflect recent happenings, important updates, or, sometimes, some fun revelations. We're also very fortunate to serve a community of such committed educators. For that reason, we strive to keep our thoughts and content fresh. And, this section of our blog is a great place to go for just that.
Whatever is happening in education, we believe our committed team members help educators adjust. As we've seen, technology has a place in all types of learning—as long as educators integrate it strategically. As debates and discussions in STEAM and general education evolve, we adapt this content to continually educate, inform, and entertain. Our perspective may be a bit unique but our collective expertise on these topics is always improving. We also encourage you to browse the pages or search for a topic of your interest on the left of your screen. We certainly take pride in being up to date with what teachers are experiencing. From our entire team, we hope this content truly provides you with guidance and inspiration. Check back every weekend, as well, for the latest edition of the Eduporium Weekly.

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Creating Fun Afterschool STEM Learning

    Eduporium Weekly | Creating Fun Afterschool STEM Learning
    Afterschool STEM programs and camps have been around for many years, but they are sometimes entirely for child care purposes. Recently, however, we’ve seen shifts in more kids actually wanting to participate in enrichment programs to continue developing various STEM skills outside of the school day. And, the best part is they often truly enjoy these STEM experiences.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | Why Apply For Our EdTech Grant?

    Eduporium Weekly | Why Apply For Our EdTech Grant?
    Chances are, if you’re any type of teacher these days, you hear the familiar word ‘grant’ thrown around quite a bit from friends, peers, or perhaps even administrators. Chances are, you may have even applied for a few of them, too. These days, it’s not uncommon for teachers to spend hours and hours of their free time perfecting applications and
  3. Eduporium Weekly | Elements Of Our Makerspace Consultation

    Eduporium Weekly | Elements Of Our Makerspace Consultation
    Our maker experts are very well-versed in makerspace tools, technologies, budgets, and design—something that we have recently put extra effort into developing. So, whether educators already have a makerspace program at their school and are looking to expand on those offerings or need help with getting started, our makerspace team is ready to help you out! Here’s how.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Technology, Equity, And Inclusion

    Eduporium Weekly | Technology, Equity, And Inclusion
    Equity in modern learning involves much more than connectivity—although that’s a big piece of this puzzle. Disparities in reliable Internet access along with other inequities (as we constantly felt amid the pandemic) can expose inconsistencies in learning quality. On the other hand, firming up students’ digital safety (while serving their needs) also entails equity considerations.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | The Power Of The PLN

    Eduporium Weekly | The Power Of The PLN
    A professional learning network (a PLN) may traditionally consist of groups of colleagues or like-minded professionals who regularly communicate and collaborate (usually online) to help the members maximize their skill sets. A PLN in the education world involves teachers sharing resources, answering requests, or offering guidance and support while building relationships.
  6. Eduporium Weekly | The Best Characteristics Of EdTech

    Eduporium Weekly | The Best Characteristics Of EdTech
    As EdTech tools evolve, their defining characteristics are often changing as well and, as we get further into the 21st century with a collectively stronger understanding of how to prepare our students for the future, those features keep improving. So, this week, we’re breaking down some of the very best things to look for as you vet any new educational
  7. 5 Of The Best Coding Robots For The Classroom

    5 Of The Best Coding Robots For The Classroom
    For students, learning to code is both essential and accessible. With many age-appropriate classroom coding solutions available, helping them to see the possibilities, benefits, and enjoyment of robotics and coding education is very much possible for instructors to accomplish. Plus, other benefits of CS education, like boosting creative problem solving skills, are extensive.
  8. Eduporium Weekly | Good STEM Enrichment Activities In Schools

    Eduporium Weekly | Good STEM Enrichment Activities In Schools
    STEM experiences can help children thrive in so many ways and teachers are always finding new ideas for improving them. One of the most popular options, of course, is through enrichment programs. The benefits of STEM learning are great but they’re often capped in the classroom, meaning that more school leaders are encouraging STEM participation outside school.
  9. Eduporium Weekly | Some Ideas For Values In Your Makerspace

    Eduporium Weekly | Some Ideas For Values In Your Makerspace
    Perhaps for the best, there’s no blueprint for creating a school makerspace but there are some strategies teachers could employ that might help to set theirs apart. Whether your makerspaces are big, tiny, stationary, mobile, or full of high- or low-tech tools, here are some of the coolest characteristics that the best makerspaces share—both physical features and attitudes.
  10. Eduporium Weekly | Rewards Of Cross-Curricular PBL

    Eduporium Weekly | Rewards Of Cross-Curricular PBL
    Discovering connections through active experiences is a chief cornerstone of PBL and helps students establish authentic feelings for their causes. As such, knowing the impacts these connections can have among children is key for the educators who are leading them. And, this is especially true as they leverage them across the curriculum to connect different subjects.

Items 31 to 40 of 312 total