Our longest running current blog series, the Eduporium Weekly is your source for relevant education topics. Whether it's related to EdTech, STEM, SEL, makerspaces, soft skills, equity, CTE, or any number of other things, you are sure to find some relevant content here. Our team remains committed to providing intriguing and up-to-date opinions and perspectives on the most important topics—whether they're technology-based or not. Every week, we share our thoughts about those key topics in education. Giving educators a Saturday morning read, many of our Eduporium Weekly posts reflect recent happenings, important updates, or, sometimes, some fun revelations. We're also very fortunate to serve a community of such committed educators. For that reason, we strive to keep our thoughts and content fresh. And, this section of our blog is a great place to go for just that.
Whatever is happening in education, we believe our committed team members help educators adjust. As we've seen, technology has a place in all types of learning—as long as educators integrate it strategically. As debates and discussions in STEAM and general education evolve, we adapt this content to continually educate, inform, and entertain. Our perspective may be a bit unique but our collective expertise on these topics is always improving. We also encourage you to browse the pages or search for a topic of your interest on the left of your screen. We certainly take pride in being up to date with what teachers are experiencing. From our entire team, we hope this content truly provides you with guidance and inspiration. Check back every weekend, as well, for the latest edition of the Eduporium Weekly.
Self-paced learning is a form of differentiated instruction that teachers can integrate into learning experiences. In self-paced learning, teachers can let their students decide how many lessons they need and how much practice constitutes them mastering something. There are also various instructional techniques you could use and many potentially positive outcomes for kids.
It’s not just the seasoned scientists and computer programmers who might invent world-changing and progress-focused solutions. In fact, there’s also plenty of inventive kids and teens out there who have left their mark on the world with both big and small inventions, and some have even contributed to key inventions throughout history. So, let’s learn about a few of them.
The importance of providing all children with the opportunities to learn key computer science skills is often a really legitimate emphasis among STEM-minded instructors. We know how vital these skills may turn out to be for a larger number of them. Empowering students to learn these skills early and perfect them often could also help open up career opportunities later
All indications are that coding competencies will continue to open up many promising professional opportunities for today’s students. Coding’s not the only skill that will separate them, however, as we see how soft skills remain equally important but, based on what we see from the workforce, students who build up their coding skills won’t be learning something outdated.
A multi-tiered system of support is an instructional framework that involves three separate tiers. These students will receive instruction and support on a much more general scale in the first tier and then this attention increases in personalization as needed. Simultaneously, instructors use the data and assessments they create to inform what each child needs at each phase.
Diversity efforts, in every area of education and the workforce, should open opportunities for everybody to elevate personal thoughts, talents, opinions, and experiences. As we keep striving to overcome a lack of diversity in the STEM community, it’s crucial across all industries and we believe everyone should be open to discovering new points of view and potential solutions.
Many children love to have STEM experiences in their education and many teachers love creating those opportunities. They don’t typically just fall into place, however, and, like all lesson plans, require careful design. In STEAM education, impactful lessons and activities are almost endless, which often makes it easier for teachers to find or create something that’s relevant.
Inventiveness, if you ask us, is something that goes hand in hand with 21st century problem solving and creativity, but, despite how it could potentially really help enable instructors to challenge student creativity, it is oftentimes overlooked. Luckily, inventiveness is key in STEM education and one of the key soft skills students can work on as soon as they enter
Since they are so group-oriented, project-based learning experiences truly help students develop more than academic skills. They often learn to build up connections with their classmates, their communities, their teachers, or their work. And, this also helps kids learn to take greater pride in what they are doing, knowing they can positively impact others’ lives and their own.
We all know that today’s children have grown up using technology and that too many of these young kids log countless hours of simply playing games or streaming video content on their devices. Some say this is stunting their development while others say the stimulation is beneficial. Though there is truth to each, the education-focused content is most valuable in