Search results for 'afterschool stem'

  1. 8 Steps For Introducing A School Robotics Club

    8 Steps For Introducing A School Robotics Club
    Most school administrators will be happy to give their approval for starting a school robotics club but you’ll still have to show a clear value proposition in your proposal. Once you get approved, research some classroom robots and find lesson ideas, you’ll be ready to firm up the key logistics, including where you’ll meet, how often, and how to tie
  2. Eduporium Weekly | Ideas For Expanding Coding Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Ideas For Expanding Coding Education
    All indications are that coding competencies will continue to open up many promising professional opportunities for today’s students. Coding’s not the only skill that will separate them, however, as we see how soft skills remain equally important but, based on what we see from the workforce, students who build up their coding skills won’t be learning something outdated.
  3. Social-Emotional Learning And MakerEd: Head, Heart, Hands

    Social-Emotional Learning And MakerEd: Head, Heart, Hands
    MakerEd is a technological and creative learning revolution that centers on a pedagogy designed to help children bolster significant skills like decision making, responsibility, relationship management, community engagement, creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork, and more through hands-on projects that create connections between their heads, hearts, and hands.
  4. Eduporium Experiment | STEAM And The Hummingbird Bit

    Eduporium Experiment | STEAM And The Hummingbird Bit
    By combining the powerful brain of the micro:bit V2 with its flexible robotic core and modular parts, the Hummingbird Bit can help you lead classroom STEAM experiences that are one par with teaching using some of the more extravagant robots out there. The kits are actually real affordable, however, and offer a ton of versatility and value for kids throughout
  5. Eduporium Weekly | Promoting Inventiveness In Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Promoting Inventiveness In Education
    Inventiveness, if you ask us, is something that goes hand in hand with 21st century problem solving and creativity, but, despite how it could potentially really help enable instructors to challenge student creativity, it is oftentimes overlooked. Luckily, inventiveness is key in STEM education and one of the key soft skills students can work on as soon as they enter
  6. Tips & Tricks | Dash Robot From Wonder Workshop

    Tips & Tricks | Dash Robot From Wonder Workshop
    The Dash Robot is designed for students who are six and older, making it a superb option for kids who have never tried robotics or coding. It allows all students to use block code to bring the robot’s actions to life on their desk or their screen. Whether you’re looking for good robots for students to use in afterschool clubs
  7. Video: Finch 2.0, Hummingbird, And SEL Webinar

    Video: Finch 2.0, Hummingbird, And SEL Webinar
    If you haven’t seen the full broadcast or you want to revisit some of the key topics we covered in the presentation, the full replay is still available. Some of the highlights include how the BirdBrain materials align to standards and offer a low floor and high ceiling for STEM education. As for leveraging the robots in SEL, we also
  8. Best Drones For Education: From Building And Flying To Coding

    Best Drones For Education: From Building And Flying To Coding
    Drones are currently used in many key industries, like telecommunications, agriculture, construction, and security, They are even finding a home in the performing arts, and soon enough, delivery drones might even show up at your door. Therefore, it is essential for middle and high-school students to build familiarity with coding and piloting using the top educational drones.
  9. Alternatives To The DJI Tello EDU Coding Drone

    Alternatives To The DJI Tello EDU Coding Drone
    A part of medicine, agriculture, research, and more, drones are increasingly prevalent in a wide range of fields. Therefore, it’s more necessary than ever to integrate them into STEAM education. Using these five options, children can combine drone piloting with coding, engineering, and design. They will build obstacle courses, code choreography, and have fun with STEM!
  10. Rising Resources | The CoSpaces Edu App

    Rising Resources | The CoSpaces Edu App
    Besides creating their own virtual reality content, students can also use the CoSpaces Edu app to explore coding. Within this online platform, they can access this Blockly editor for drag-and-drop programming practice. Called CoBlocks, this visual language is simple for beginners and, as children get better at creating programs, they can move on to script-based languages.