Search results for '5 stem'

  1. Get STEM off the Ground with the Tello EDU Drones

    Get STEM off the Ground with the Tello EDU Drones
    DJI’s drones are great for teaching coding and piloting basics. Having long been a staple of our STEM education offerings, these drones offer unprecedented levels of excitement and a ton of educational value for students. They can literally use one tool to learn about piloting, shooting video, and coding, making the Tello EDU a great value.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | STEM Education in the Pandemic Era

    Eduporium Weekly | STEM Education in the Pandemic Era
    Whether it’s classroom teachers or challenges students themselves are facing, it’s a different environment when it comes to STEM instruction. Since the value of of these classes lies in their hands-on nature, it’s been quite a physical and mental adjustment trying to provide students with the experiences they need.
  3. Eduporium's STEM Spotlight: Jacie Maslyk

    Eduporium's STEM Spotlight: Jacie Maslyk
    Jacie is an author, consultant, and speaker from Pittsburgh, PA who’s done a lot to contribute to the betterment of STEM education. Whether it’s been creating PD resources for teachers or designing hands-on, engaging STEM lessons for students, she’s certainly helped extend the reach and impact of various programs.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | The School Library as a STEM Hub?

    Eduporium Weekly | The School Library as a STEM Hub?
    As they’re becoming an increasingly important part of 21st century schools, libraries are evolving to better serve the needs of modern students. They’re being transformed into instant information hubs, innovation centers, and makerspaces as they grow into a tool for 21st century learning—breaking away from past standards.
  5. 'Deep Discount Sale' Savings On STEM Tools While Supplies Last

    'Deep Discount Sale' Savings On STEM Tools While Supplies Last
    Among the STEAM kits that are part of the sale are the Ozobot Evo 18-Bot Classroom Pack, the Electro Dough Education Kit, and four of the in-depth 3Doodler classroom kits. We’re excited to pass along these savings and to help educators create some exciting back-to-school STEAM learning. With only a few units of each kit available, however, the sale might
  6. Eduporium's STEM Spotlight: Jennifer Mahin

    Eduporium's STEM Spotlight: Jennifer Mahin
    We’re excited to share these stories with our audience while, hopefully, introducing them to some new STEM personas to follow and learn from. To kick things off, our first feature is with Jennifer Mahin, a K-5 STEM and tech teacher in Belleville, Kansas! Keep reading to learn about how she’s used STEM to help students boost SEL, future readiness, and
  7. Eduporium Weekly | STEM Statistics to Monitor

    Eduporium Weekly | STEM Statistics to Monitor
    The world isn’t getting any less advanced and that means, as time goes on, jobs will continue to be created in STEM fields and require technical proficiencies. It’s estimated that, by 2025, there could be as many as 3.5 million open STEM jobs. When it comes to STEM statistics, there’s so much we can learn about the current state of
  8. Summer STEM: Tips for Teaching Coding Remotely

    Summer STEM: Tips for Teaching Coding Remotely
    STEM education and coding in particular do not have to come to a halt just because education has been altered. Teachers around the world have been going to great lengths since March to continue delivering instruction with the highest quality possible and that can include STEM experiences in remote learning if you have a sound strategy.
  9. Video: Using Sphero Robots in Remote and Hybrid STEM

    Video: Using Sphero Robots in Remote and Hybrid STEM
    Led by Nate Ubowski and Greg Rousos, learn how teachers can use the Sphero BOLT, RVR, and Mini for robotics lessons in remote learning. Going beyond the 4 C’s to spark curiosity and create a greater sense of community improvement, the presenters also covered how Sphero’s robots allow for efficient STEAM instruction.
  10. How STEM Teachers Can 'Rev Up Robotics' in the Classroom

    How STEM Teachers Can 'Rev Up Robotics' in the Classroom
    Jorge Valenzuela has become an influential figure in STEM education with experience in both classroom and online teaching as well as higher education instruction. He worked in the Richmond Public Schools system for 10 years and helped build their Tech Ed program. In recent years, he’s shared his experiences, including in his book!

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