One of the most exciting robots for teaching coding in elementary and middle school, the Root Robot is now available in classroom packs! Educators can more easily bring Root into their classrooms thanks to the additions of classroom packs in sizes of 2, 6, 12, and 30! Root is compatible only with iOS devices and helps teachers cover key computer science concepts, like touch interaction, drawing, loops, patterns, color sensing, and more! And, with the Root Coding app, students can learn to code in three ways: With graphical block coding, a hybrid drag-and-drop language, and Swift—with options for Python and JavaScript coming soon!
Root is very easy to use and designed for students to be able to pick up as early on as kindergarten. If you’ve never seen it in action before, Root is a programmable robot that kids can code to do all sorts of things. Most notably, it can climb straight up whiteboards! Root typically comes with a foldable whiteboard that’s perfect for classroom use and the classroom packs include as many whiteboards as robots (two in the 2-pack and 30 in the 30-pack).

This robot isn’t just for early elementary students, though. While Root is designed to be able to reach students as early on as kindergarten, they can also continue learning with it all the way up through high school. The lessons and concepts progress in complexity as students get more comfortable with the different kinds of coding. Whether students are programming it to climb a whiteboard wall or to move on a more traditional flat surface, it can be coded to draw works of art, play music, respond to touch or color, and do a whole lot more!
Using the Root Coding app, students can progress through different levels of coding lessons and teachers can be sure they’ve mastered the foundational concepts before moving on to others. They’ll start by programming simple sequences and patterns that lay the groundwork for them to later create more complex programs using languages like Swift and soon Python and JavaScript. The app also comes with a 1-month free trial of Root Academy, which is an excellent professional learning tool for educators.
The Root Intro 2 Pack comes with two robots, a Root Academy School ID for up to six iOS devices, a curriculum guide, two foldout whiteboard grids, two vinyl cling packs, two USB charging cables, and four dry erase markers. The Root School 30 Pack comes with 30 robots, a Root Academy School ID for up to 1,000 iOS devices, a curriculum guide, 30 foldout whiteboard grids, 30 vinyl cling packs, 30 USB charging cables, and 60 dry erase markers. The 6 pack and 12 pack also contain corresponding amounts of materials. To buy one of these classroom packs, click below and toggle the option to the size you want!