If you’ve been following along with our new Rising Resources blog series, we hope we’ve been able to provide some useful information and exciting new resources for the classroom. This week, we’re highlighting a resource known as Tes Teach and formerly known as Blendspace. This online STEM resource is a great way for teachers to improve upon their in-class activities and it’s awesome for creating highly engaging learning environments. To learn more about Tes Teach and some of the best ways to use it in the classroom, click to keep reading!

Tes Teach is a free online resource—created by TES—that teachers and students can use to design custom digital lessons in as little as five minutes. It allows kids to create interactive lessons using their own content as well as just about any content that’s available on the web. Among some of the most useful benefits Tes Teach provides for students is the opportunity for them to create their own activities  and presentations, which is a great way for them to showcase their understanding of a specific topic and help them to build some soft skills, like communication and public speaking. 

Tes Teach offers an array of additional features and benefits for teachers and students as well. One of the best features is the TES Lessons Library, which allows students and teachers to search for free lessons by subject and grade level. They are then able to copy the lessons and customize them. There is also the option to incorporate free activities, games, presentations, and lesson plans using the TES Resources Search tab and the possibility for teachers to create multiple choice quizzes for students after the lesson. Once students complete these quizzes, teachers can access detailed analytics that break down how each student performed. It also allows users to share their results via Google Classroom or their Google account.

The more teachers use the different features of Tes Teach, the more they’re likely to discover. It can help accelerate mobile learning with easy access through the iTunes store, for example. The free and interactive Tes Teach app is fantastic for students and teachers that need quick mobile access on the go. The app is easy to navigate, and the menus and icons are all easy to understand. Overall, the site and apps they created are all user friendly and easy to navigate with clearly labeled headers at the top of the homepage to help users find what they are looking for. 

There is a great deal of educational value in Tes Teach and it is a great EdTech tool for both teachers and students. It allows students worldwide to have differentiated instructions, project-based learning opportunities, and flipped learning experiences. It also empowers teachers to achieve learning goals in a fun and interactive way. Also, Tes Teach helps teachers monitor their students’ understanding by creating custom quizzes and discussions—something that we believe is very valuable in today’s classrooms. Finally, it allows students to master concepts they might not have fully grasped initially by being able to review the remediation lessons. Most importantly, students can use engaging technology to truly take ownership of their work.  

Tes Teach is a great learning tool for teachers and students to use to increase engagement and productivity in the classroom. If you’re on the lookout for an online tool to help teach, Tes Teach is a great place to start! Check it out and look out every Tuesday for more Rising Resources on our blog! Follow us on social media as well!