There are tons of interactive educational games children can use to add more fun to learning and studying. Specifically for younger students, these digital tools can truly help enhance both recall and retention while keeping their attention. The subject of our latest Rising Resources post is no different. When it comes to educational games for students, it's all about simplicity—both for the children using the game and for the teachers who help facilitate those experiences. So, this week, we explore the Educandy review tool—an interactive online platform with which children can review key concepts and reinforce learning objectives. All activities are easy and the fun games help provide effective reviews for any kind of classroom content.
Essentially, Educandy is an online review tool students can use to master concepts and prepare for exams. It's geared a bit more towards younger students, making its prime target the elementary grades. Using this simple software, educators can create review games in just a few short minutes. It's as easy as entering all questions and answers and the Educandy platform does the rest. In just a few quick steps, it can help turn teacher-provided content into interactive activities for kids to use in their review games or for independent studying. They can even embed those learning games on their school website page or onto their personal online page for students and parents to easily find.
Creating review games with Educandy.
When educators create activities on Educandy, they're provided with a code that's unique to each of the individual activities. They can then share those codes with students over email or whatever communication system they use. Once students have the code, they can head to the Educandy website. Right at the top of the page, they'll see a box to type in their activity code. Once they have that code, children can access the review game on the device of their choosing. There's an Educandy mobile app as well, making it easier for students to access the games on either a mobile device, tablet, or computer.
Children could use Educandy independently or as part of group activities. Since it's accessible on a variety of devices, they can play review games at home and on their own time. Teachers can also use Educandy in the classroom to facilitate group reviews or create competitive games among students. In your classrooms, Educandy works well when teachers project the proceedings on interactive whiteboards or another viewing surface. This, of course, creates a solid group learning experience and allows students to take part in some dynamic studying. So, whether you want to create a matching vocabulary quiz or create an Educandy word search for students, this system is super simple and effective.
From spelling to memory games for students.
There are many different types of review games children can access with the Educandy app. They include cool word searches, noughts and crosses, crosswords, spelling, anagrams, match-up, multiple choice, and even memory games. Students access the games after their teacher has created them—simply through the Educandy app or through the Educandy website directly on their computer. Whichever games they choose, teachers can input the content they want students to know and let them get to work! In the spelling game, for example, students must provide the correct answers (with correct spelling) to the questions. They can do so by selecting the letters on the keyboard and correct guesses will fill in on the screen. If they guess incorrectly, a chunk will be taken out of the on-screen candy bar.

Each game provides the opportunity for simple but effective content reviewing. It's also incredibly easy for teachers to get started. All they need to do is create an account on the Educandy website and sign in with just a username and password. Then, they can begin creating their activities and review games right away. Whether students utilize iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices, they can access the Educandy mobile app as well. Whether on a mobile device or desktop, the users can enter their activity code right on the Educandy homepage. Then, students can begin to play educational games and interact with both digital content and their peers right away.
The Educandy learning apps.
There are two Educandy learning games available—one for kids and one for instructors. Educandy Play is the student version, which is available on iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices. With the Educandy Play app, students can access games their teachers have created on the Educandy platform. All teachers have to do is share their activity code with students so that they have it to enter when they launch this app. This helps them easily locate activities and get started with reviewing core concepts or exploring new ones. Plus, with recent updates to the Educandy apps, they're now more intuitive and easier for students to navigate.
Then, there's the Educandy Studio app, which is for teachers. Using this platform, educators could make learning games for students with ease. It takes only minutes for them to create online games for students since all they need to do is enter the information they want included. After inputting some parameters like vocabulary words or questions, the Educandy system reconfigures that information into interactive review activities for students to use in their classroom or at home. All educators have to do is download the app (iOS, Android, or Microsoft) and log in or create their free account.
If Educandy sounds like a valuable tool for helping your elementary children review key concepts in almost any subject, we'd definitely encourage you to go check it out. It's completely free and the website is super simple to navigate. Head on over to give it a look. After you check out Educandy, feel free to explore more 21st century teaching tools on our store. It's home to tangible STEAM solutions, including everything from robotics and coding kits to 3D printers. Follow us on X and Instagram for more!