There is no doubt that teachers across the country are integrating technology into their classrooms. Students are learning via these new means, and are even creating projects using technology. What we need to do is ensure that teachers are using technology in an effective way.

Dr. Ruben R. Puetendura designed the SAMR model of tech integration. The SAMR model is useful for demonstrating how technology can be used in a classroom.

The most basic levels is the S (Substitution)- using technology as a simple substitution for more traditional models with no change. A (augmentation) is the second level where technology is used as a substitute with some minor improvement. These two levels are considered “below the line” meaning that they don’t really use technology in the most effective of ways, simply to enhance learning(i.e. technology is used just for the sake of using it.)

What educators should strive for is teaching “above the line” to use technology to transform learning. Technology must be used in ways that push learning even further and truly changes what students are doing. The first SAMR step “above the line” is M (modification), the true redesign of a task due to technology. The final SAMR step is R(redefinition), doing a task was once previously inconceivable without technology.

My hope is that one day, true technology integration will shift to completely “above the line” so that students  are interacting with technology in the most meaningful way.

What are your thoughts on technology integration. Comment here and tweet me @Mathophile_DC.

By: E.M. Jones