Eduporium Blog

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Augmented Reality In Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Augmented Reality In Education
    In schools, AR tools help foster unique and strong learning experiences for students of all ages. In fact, its versatility offers teachers so much potential solely in terms of amplifying engagement. Plus, the variety of avenues they have for using augmented reality help make it viable in almost any subject, offering the chance to educate students in new and affordable
  2. The RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0 System For The Classroom

    The RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0 System For The Classroom
    It remains unfortunate that kids can no longer use the Google Expeditions app to find engaging and immersive lessons, tours, and experiences. The good news, however, is that the Expeditions 2.0 platform from RobotLAB makes a very reliable alternative. With a variety of classroom VR kits and others with AR, these solutions work great in 21st century schools.
  3. A Teen's Journey To Building A Full Gaming System

    A Teen's Journey To Building A Full Gaming System
    About three years back, Logan and his family learned that he had inherited a rare genetic condition known as TANC2 Syndrome. Instantly, most of the normalcy slipped out of his life—with near-constant hospital visits, medical tests, and physical struggles—but one thing that remained was his passion for gaming, leading to his mom helping him learn to build his own system.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | The Digital Divide And Learning

    Eduporium Weekly | The Digital Divide And Learning
    It has now been slightly over three years since the pandemic first shook up the education world. Beyond initial struggles with administering emergency instruction and too many parents worrying about kids losing academic and social development, another key factor emerged. We knew there was a big digital divide among our students, but didn’t realize how bad it really was.
  5. Rising Resources | Codesters And Classroom Coding

    Rising Resources | Codesters And Classroom Coding
    Codesters is a digital programming platform that truly helps teachers keep student coding opportunities flowing. In this Rising Resources post, we are exploring Codesters and why it’s such a helpful platform for anyone who is teaching coding in the classroom. To start, it’s free for educators to sign up and it helps make coding lessons fun and challenging for students.
  6. How Teachers Can Help Foster A STEM Mindset In Students

    How Teachers Can Help Foster A STEM Mindset In Students
    There are, of course, many different pedagogical approaches that can lead to effective instruction. These days, teachers might be fond of promoting a growth mindset, a maker mindset, or perhaps even instilling a collaborative mindset in children. Whatever buzzwords we toss around, however, they’re only as effective as the purposeful teaching techniques that result.
  7. Using Educational Robotics Tools Progressing From K-12

    Using Educational Robotics Tools Progressing From K-12
    There truly is an endless number of elements to computer science and, as time has gone on, educational robotics solutions have evolved to help our teachers illustrate so many key coding concepts with various avenues for students to develop these skills. So, while some are designed for EarlyEd students (as early as Pre–K), others are complex enough for high school.
  8. Eduporium Experiment | Using The Strawbees Classroom LMS

    Eduporium Experiment | Using The Strawbees Classroom LMS
    The Strawbees Classroom platform is now accessible to any educator, and the Strawbees team has made a bunch of improvements to the LMS. Now, teachers can try a giant library of Strawbees example activities, share their own project guides, and directly assign new challenges. With access to the portal, engineering and exploration in elementary STEM is much easier.
  9. Upgrading From The Ozobot Bit To The Ozobot Evo

    Upgrading From The Ozobot Bit To The Ozobot Evo
    The Ozobot Bit Robot was a longtime go-to STEM solution for teaching all about coding, robotics, computational thinking, and problem solving. Now that the Bit has been retired for a few years, however, you may want to try to upgrade. Its successor, the Ozobot Evo, continues to enable educators to teach CS lessons with its significant upgrades, like Bluetooth capability.
  10. Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching

    Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching
    We now have so many unique teaching styles and strategies for effectively communicating curricular content to your kids, including teacher-centered, student-centered, self-paced, competency-based, and even inquiry-based models among others. Then, there is culturally responsive teaching, which involves shifting instruction and language for kids from different cultures.

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