We’re excited to announce that our webinar series will be continuing next week! In this latest webinar, we’ll be teaming up with our partners from the micro:bit Educational Foundation. The micro:bit has long been a reliable and exciting STEAM solution for teachers. With the recent release of the micro:bit V2, we thought it was the perfect time to highlight this innovative product line. Not only can students use the micro:bit to learn coding with MakeCode, it has many other applications in STEM education. Join us on Thursday, March 4 to learn more about integrating the micro:bit in education!
Katie Henry, micro:bit’s Head of Partner Engagement, will be hosting the webinar. Unlike in our previous webinars, Katie will be joined by Diane Horvath, who works as an educational technology integrator. Diane will be sharing key insights and getting-started tips with attendees based on her experiences with the micro:bit. Whether you’re back in the physical classroom or still navigating remote learning, both the original micro:bit and V2 can help educators facilitate impactful STEAM lessons!

As we mentioned, the micro:bit V2 came out a short time ago and it comes with a few key improvements that we’re expecting to get into during the webinar. Most notably, the V2 comes with a built-in speaker, a built-in microphone, and a touch-sensitive logo on its front side. With all of these new features come new opportunities for students. They can add new elements to the MakeCode programs they create when coding with the micro:bit. Using the web-based MakeCode platform, students can program in a block-based environment (beginner) or text-based environment if they’re more advanced! Most importantly, students and teachers can easily find micro:bit projects for in-school or remote completion using MakeCode!
Register for our micro:bit webinar:
In the meantime, mark your calendars for Thursday, March 4 at 3:00 PM ET for our ‘Introduction to micro:bit’ webinar. We’re excited to team up with Katie and Diane to bring this quick broadcast to STEAM educators around the country. Also, if different STEAM tools are more up your alley, we'd recommend checking out some of our other webinars. We’ve teamed up with a few of our other partners from Wonder Workshop, Sphero, Ozobot, LulzBot, and MakerBot to discuss how their solutions can benefit teachers and students in 2021. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more.