Halloween is just around the corner and, for us, it’s time to set out and find the perfect pumpkin. We wanted one that is big and scary: a pumpkin so frightening that it makes grown men whimper. We also wanted a pumpkin that is educational, fun, and safe for children, because that’s what Eduporium is all about. Not the easiest task, all things considered. You can only imagine our excitement, then, when we discovered TheO Smartball—a smartphone-powered educational toy that is frighteningly fun, and perfect for keeping children active and learning at the same time.
Let us tell you what makes TheO Smartball so special. As we know, the first tenet for finding the perfect pumpkin is that it has to be innovative and educational. TheO Smartball certainly fulfills this requirement by transforming your smartphone into a cushiony yet nigh-indestructible ball that children can shake, bounce, and roll around. They offer a ton of apps that utilize the phone’s speakers, motion sensor, and other capabilities to turn the ball into a smart toy and teaching aid. Want to teach kids about different animals? The Animals app shows pictures of animals with accompanying sounds that kids can change by shaking the ball. There are also apps for counting, vocabulary, music, and even bowling, with many more in development.

The second, generally agreed upon tenet for finding the perfect pumpkin is that it has to be fun and engaging. And boy is TheO Smartball a blast to play with for kids. It allows young children and children with learning differences to interact with smartphones in a more active way. The size and softness of the ball encourages children to use their hands and develop motor skills, while the apps are intuitive and can be modified to provide personalized positive feedbacks. Many of the apps also come with an “icebreaker” function, which lets kids record their names into the device and play social games like Hot Potato with their classmates.

The final, universally-adopted tenet for the perfect pumpkin is that it is safe to play with. TheO Smartball is perfectly safe for both children and smartphones. It is soft, latex-free, and bite-proof. The smartphone itself fits snugly in the Smartball and was never in any danger of falling out despite all the kicking, throwing, and general buffoonery that we put the ball through. For more concerned users, the Smartball has a safety strap and a Velcro case so the phone stays inside.
In case you couldn’t tell, we love TheO Smartball here at Eduporium. So, without further ado, we take this chance to proudly proclaim TheO Smartball as our 2014 Pumpkin of the Year. There really wasn’t much of a competition. This foamy ball is the perfect toy for kids in Pre-K through middle school—check out our store for more. You can find the TheO Smartball on our store.