Welcome to the "Eduporium Featured Educator” series! Every month, we are going to be highlighting the work of one dedicated educator who is using EdTech to empower students. We are super excited to share their stories and their work with you! We hope it gives more teachers encouragement to try something new and are very excited to get this underway with our first teacher—someone we have known for quite a while in Gaby Richard-Harrington.
Gaby Richard-Harrington
Instructional Technology Teacher, Cyrus Peirce Middle School
Q & A:
What are some of your favorite tech tools as a STEM educator?
I love Google Apps for Education. I am a Photoshop user. And, I also love the educator tools from TextHelp and Scratch is amazing!
What advice would you give to people just starting out with implementing EdTech?
I think educators should start small and try something new every month. It is really tough to keep pace with new tools. Try things! Don't get attached to tools. Replace something old with something better instead of always adding. Always have an exit strategy.

What interests you most about Eduporium's educator offerings?
I love the origins of Eduporium. Their love of learning is growing a wonderful EdTech business that benefits kids and the company. It's a win-win!
Do you know of an educator who is doing exciting things with EdTech? Recommend them (or yourself!) as an Eduporium Featured Educator by emailing us with a short blurb about how you’ve used STEM tools for empowering students! Learn more about how we can help revamp your classroom, library, or makerspaces by exploring our site. Sign up as an educator and start saving when you buy new tech with your discount!