Few modern learning tools are as unique and engaging as Bare Conductive's Electric Paint. That's right—it really is paint that carries electricity! What makes it truly sensational for learning is that you can paint or draw just about anything and the paint acts as a conductor. The biggest obstacle, though, is finding a purpose for the paint, but we're confident that once kids start experimenting, their curiosity will uncover lots of different uses!
The most exciting thing about using the electric paint had to be the creative freedom it allows in finding all kinds of interesting ways to use it as well as different methods of applying it. To fully enjoy Electric Paint, however, try using it with something like the Makey Makey for even more science, even more engagement and even more fun!

There’s no question that the paint is conductive, but I did try to find out how it compares to something like water or even a metal paper clip. I painted some abstract figures on regular pieces of paper and attached them to the Makey Makey's alligator clips. Can you guess what I discovered? Well, I hope you decide to try it for yourself, but I did find that it was a lot easier to use water and the clips over the electric paint.
Perhaps it was because the paint was not spread evenly that the current fluctuated—this is something important to keep in mind when crafting projects of your own. It was still a conductor, but it didn’t perform as well as it could have without a little bit more carefulness and attention to detail. The paint’s advantage over other conductors, however, is that I could actually use it to draw or paint an image that doubles as a fully-functioning conductor! Not only is this cool in general, but being able to incorporate electric paint into art or science class has a whole bunch of positive effects on experiential learning also!

I started to wonder what else I could do with the paint and if Electric Paint has any "real-life" functions outside of being a possible extension of wires and if it has legitimate educational use? And, you know what? It sure does! The fun is in the discovery. Click below to shop for Electric Paint on the Eduporium store!
For more innovative project ideas, check out our Bare Conductive products to get inspired! If you have any ideas or suggestions for products you'd like to see featured on the Eduporium Experiment, comment below or send us a message on Twitter!