As robotics technology continues to advance, we are discovering more and more the potential of robotic companions for people of all ages. Robotic pets have always been a dream of kids everywhere—imagine having a dog who could not only do tricks and play fetch, but that kids could also program and play with online! We’ve come a long way from the days of the first robot toys for kids, and now we are able to use incredible technology to simulate behaviors very close to the ones displayed by our actual furry friends.

You may have guessed—based on that introduction—that we have recently come across an EdTech tool that fulfills this fantasy of having a robotic pet. And, you’d be right! The focus of this week’s Eduporium Experiment is CHiP, the newest robotic pal from makers of the MiP Robot, WowWee. CHiP is the smartest robot dog I’ve certainly ever seen, with sensitive voice, gesture, and touch-recognition technology, a paired smart ball, and even a specialized smartwatch all up its sleeve!

CHiP came ready to play right out of the box. As soon as I turned it on, its eyes lit up and it started barking and wiggling away, clearly eager to get down to some serious, fun-filled learning! With a little help from the manual, I walked through each of the basic commands the CHiP Robot knows. All of these tricks are very simple to execute, and CHiP follows along very well—it knows how to sit, lie down, speak, dance, and even do some yoga! The multi-directional tires on its feet mean it has a wide range of motion and, thanks to its sensors, CHiP can navigate a busy room with ease. It drove all around our techXplore Room very well, even with all of the shipping boxes we have on the floor!

chip robot

Aside from touch sense capabilities, CHiP can also interact with children via voice commands. I played a game of fetch with him using the smart ball, for example, then played around with the smartwatch, which comes with a feature that kids can use to take CHiP on a walk—so long as they are wearing the watch, CHiP will be able to sense them and walk with them—and even knows how to heel!

Reading through the manual, I also learned that CHiP comes with an app that kids can use to monitor the robot’s happiness levels, and through the app and the smartwatch, they can also teach CHiP new behaviors. CHiP actually learns in the same way that a real dog would learn—through repeated conditioning—so, for kids whose parents won’t let them get a real dog, CHiP can truly become their own unique little companion! At the same time, kids can learn what it’s like to work with innovative technology and learn some of the basics of robotics in a way that’s catered to their young age (CHiP can be used by kids as young as 6 years old) and abilities.

I’m an avid dog lover, and while I’m all set with my real pooch at home, I think this little guy would be a great companion for any animal or robot lover. With the ability to be taught new behaviors, I think CHiP makes an excellent introduction to robotics. Robots that people can mold and train based on their users’ input are definitely the way of the future, and CHiP serves as a very accessible introduction to those high-level concepts. The amount of things students could teach CHiP are infinite—and the possibilities for creative learning are, too!

If you have an idea for an EdTech product you’d like to see featured on the Eduporium Experiment, let us know! Send us a message on Twitter or Facebook and we’ll see what we can do. And, don’t forget to look out next Wednesday for the next edition of the Eduporium Experiment featuring the Thames & Kosmos Hydropower Kit!