The Museum of Science is certainly one of Boston’s longest-running and most popular tourist attractions. Among STEAM enthusiasts and professionals, however, it’s much more than that. The Museum of Science team hosts countless educational experiences for children and, of course, houses so many incredibly cool exhibits at the amazing facility just across the Charles River from us in the West End of Boston. Since they focus on education and STEM education in particular, we’re huge fans of all their work and our CEO and President, Rick Fredkin, particularly, has found inspiration from them for years. Now, he'll also be enjoying a more prominent role in that.
In July, the museum's leaders announced the election of new trustees and overseers onto their board. Rick became one of 16 new overseers appointed to a three-year term that formally began last summer! Museum officials also announced the election of three new trustees, bringing the grand total up to 19 new faces that the board put in place. They join 50 trustees already in place and will serve as ambassadors and advocates in different aspects around the museum.

Rick joins a prominent group as he begins serving the museum and the community in a more involved way. Some other newly elected members help lead companies like Ameriprise Financial, Safety Insurance, GNS Healthcare, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. It goes without saying that Rick is joining a notably distinguished and dedicated group of people with a commitment to bringing STEM and science, in particular, to children and adults throughout the Greater Boston area.
For those unfamiliar with Boston’s Museum of Science, this famous landmark is among the largest science centers in New England. It’s the perfect place for introducing the millions of children who visit the city every year to new STEM experiences. Their world-class exhibits are truly that and are always being improved to display the latest advances in science and technology. They even offer programs for K-12 students across all sorts of science disciplines and house a world-famous 4D theater.
We look forward to Rick impacting this community and offering his contributions to enhance the hands-on STEAM experiences for patrons. We also encourage you to learn more about the Museum of Science and browse the full list of board members. Follow us on Twitter as well to receive any additional updates on our relationship with the Museum of Science team!