If you're thinking about introducing students to robotics and coding, make sure to take a look at these options for enhancing educator instruction and boosting student retention. Robots are great for teaching coding and computational thinking strategies, but they're much more effective when paired with comprehensive curriculum. Curricular content for the Wonder Workshop robots (Dash and Cue) and the Root Robot is available on our store—and each offer as great of an educational advantage for teachers as they do for students!
Cue Applied Robotics Curriculum

Broken down into three units, the Applied Robotics Curriculum helps teachers get the most out of computer science with the Cue. Unit 1 focuses on Creative Writing while Units 2 and 3 are all about Game Design and Innovation so kids can practice design thinking and a growth mindset. Student guides for the Cue are also available! Also, if you would just like to purchase one or two of the units, they are each available individually on our store as well.
Wonder Workshop Learn to Code Curriculum Guide
This includes the spiral-bound Curriculum Guide and a one-year Code to Learn Lesson Library subscription, which can be used to help elementary students complete STEM projects. The Cue Curriculum Guide is meant to complement the Challenge Card Box Set and may not be as effective in the classroom without it. To grab a Challenge Card Box Set to go along with the Learn to Code Curriculum Guide, visit our store.
Root Level 1 Curriculum Guide
This digital curriculum guide includes lessons, projects, and games for students to use with the Root Robot. It's included free with the Root Classroom Packs, but can also be bought separately and covers topics like loops, patterns, drawing, sensing, and more! This guide can be viewed on computers or devices, but is also designed to be printable, so that teachers can hand out copies to students for use in groups when learning with Root!
These curriculum guide add-ons are a fantastic way to ensure students are getting the most out of STEM learning before or after school. To grab one or more of them, visit our store! You can also see some of the other tech tools that include teacher curriculum in one form or another as well. Ask us about how you can receive Educator Discount pricing on these and all other EdTech tools as well and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest updates.