Andy Larmand

  1. Rising Resources | Robotify and Virtual Robots

    Rising Resources | Robotify and Virtual Robots
    Since many students missed out on furthering their computer science development during the pandemic, online coding environments began booming as educators looked for alternative options to ensure they didn’t fully lose the skills they’d developed from previous experiences. One of those online coding tools is Robotify and it’s this week’s Rising Resource!
  2. Eduporium Experiment | The VR Expeditions 2.0 App

    Eduporium Experiment | The VR Expeditions 2.0 App
    With this Expeditions 2.0 app, students can access extremely high-quality 4K images and, now, they can explore that same high-definition content in a video format also. Built to help make possible what was previously much more challenging for children to explore (pandemic or not), the Expeditions 2.0 platform works with existing VR content and the RobotLAB systems.
  3. Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities

    Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities
    As we close out 2021, some of the Bare Conductive STEAM products will soon be retired. While it’s sad to see them go, we’re happy to continue offering others to the STEAM and maker communities. Among these continued offerings, you’ll find the classic Electric Paint jar and tube, the Interactive Wall Kit, Touch Board for incorporating sensors, and more.
  4. Tips & Tricks | Ozobot Classroom Software

    Tips & Tricks | Ozobot Classroom Software
    Recent updates to the Ozobot Classroom platform have seen it evolve to today’s teaching and learning. It’s completely web-based, making it easy to access and it’s very intuitive for educators without a lot of prior coding experience. Essentially, it helps simplify class setup with easy features for assigning lessons and helps generate insights on student progress.
  5. Rising Resources | Assemblr and AR Creation for Everyone

    Rising Resources | Assemblr and AR Creation for Everyone
    Assemblr is a web-based ecosystem that students can use to discover and display their creative talents by designing interactive content in 3D augmented reality. As AR continues to gain steam when it comes to engaging students and consumers, using Assemblr helps them build an understanding of what this medium is like and why it’s so appealing.
  6. Blended Learning Benefits and Strategies for Teachers

    Blended Learning Benefits and Strategies for Teachers
    Blended learning is an effective instructional strategy for teachers and students. Even more so since the onset of remote and hybrid learning, blended models have been both necessary and effective. Though it’s not as common as it used to be, it still happens in many schools and it’s highly effective for students who learn differently.
  7. Eduporium Weekly | 5 New STEM Products on our Store

    Eduporium Weekly | 5 New STEM Products on our Store
    From the Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot robots for early education coding to the incredibly effective and immersive RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0 kits, some of the newest STEM products on our store pack a big punch in the classroom. Head inside to learn more about these five new additions and how they can help enhance hands-on instruction.
  8. November Technology Grant Awarded to Jolie Pelds

    November Technology Grant Awarded to Jolie Pelds
    Like so many educators, Jolie has been challenged to find a creative way to continue providing STEM programming for kids from a distance. Many children and parents aren’t yet fully comfortable with in-person programs, so, with a little ingenuity, Jolie has adapted the museum’s offerings to allow for students to try various STEM activities at home.
  9. Computer Science Education Week 2021: Dec. 6-12

    Computer Science Education Week 2021: Dec. 6-12
    Coding experiences are worthwhile for students starting in Pre-K and kindergarten and up through high school and college. If you already have a plan for CS Ed Week, that’s great but, if you need recommendations, we have plenty of those inside, including coding tools from top STEM manufacturers, screen-free options, or those that are completely virtual.
  10. The Recipients of Our Learning Loss Recovery Grant

    The Recipients of Our Learning Loss Recovery Grant
    After months of finalizing the structure of the grant opportunity and evaluating deserving applications, we’re pleased to announce that the two recipients are Anne Lotito-Schuh, a librarian from the Robert Frost Middle School in Deer Park, NY, and Margaret Fiorello, a makerspace manager at the Saint William the Abbot School in Seaford, NY!