As more and more emphasis is being placed on preparing workers primed to succeed in the 21st century workforce, it seems logical that more emphasis should be placed on helping students acquire programming skills. In over half of US states, however, computer science-related disciplines don’t count towards graduation requirements.
For years, computer and Internet has become a necessity. We use them to work, perform daily functions, entertain ourselves, and learn. It’s evermore important that young people are exposed to this technology as early as possible. After all, if they are to rely on computers and Internet later in life, let’s make it readily available for use.
Lexia is beneficial to teachers because it provides action plans or lessons to teachers to address misconceptions and errors. It provides users with a prognosis that shows the probability of meeting common grade-level benchmarks by the end of the year. It’s Common Core aligned to ensure that students are meeting the same goals as others around the country.
Educators and parents both know that many skills can be lost between June and August if students are “checked out” of school mode. Like at most schools, my administration requires us to assign work for the summer-usually a packet of reading assignments, math problems, and a math project.
In this section you are going to do a questionnaire survey. You can choose a teacher at your school, at least two students who come to school using different methods and two adults in your neighborhood (this may include your parents). Tell them this is about a report you are creating about transportation and your city.
“Nowadays, I see teachers using technology everyday, from showing YouTube clips of math skills to using CAD programs to teach science and math. I believe that some teachers should consistently be using technology more. This is the generation who grew up with laptops and iPods. Hear more from Earl in this edition of ‘Eduporium Talks.’
One thing I struggle with is teaching organic reading and math skills, and how much to teach students to tackle multiple-choice questions. Too often, they can say and write something that shows complete mastery of math and reading, but choose the wrong answer. I’ve found myself far too often telling my students, “One choice is always the ‘gotcha’ choice.
André Canty is a native of Knoxville, TN and a graduate of South Doyle High School. He began his undergraduate work at Middle Tennessee State University and later transferred to the University of Tennessee. His degree is in English Literature. He also teaches students in grades 7-12 to illustrate Black history.
We have looked at some of issues that school children may face if they use the bus or train to get to school. Some children commonly use two other ways to get to school. Sometimes the school is close enough for students to walk from home to school. Here are some activities that you and your friends can do.
Imagine math software that let’s kids move at their own pace. Imagine it being aligned to the Common Core State Standards (the standard skills and learning outcomes that have been adopted by forty five states and the District of Columbia). Imagine that this software is a series of games and levels that students find engaging.