You may remember a few months back we announced our approval as a registered provider of professional development. Well, we got our start last week, leading our first hands-on teacher workshop. It was in collaboration with the Genesee Valley BOCES located in Le Roy, New York.

About 35 people attended overall during the two days, which were broken up into one day of training the trainers, who would then go out into schools and show teachers and students how to use the tech products, and one day for training about 25 local teachers in using EdTech tools and incorporating thought-provoking activities in the classroom.

Over the two days, we guided attendees on a number of challenges. These included them stepping into the shoes of their students and using technology in the same way. The result was extraordinary levels of engagement and even a little bit of dancing! Each attendee went home with a Sphero SPRK Robot and an Edison robot. These two the tech tools were prominent in the sessions—courtesy of our partners at the GV BOCES!

educators using robots at an eduporium PD session

This was our first formal PD session since becoming certified. We'd like to thank all attendees and everyone from the GV BOCES. Everyone provided such considerate feedback so we can continue to make it better. From our end, it was so great to see educators who may not have previously known each other, come together to collaborate on some meaningful instruction centered on the proper implementation of technology in the classroom!

This particular workshop was a mix of lectures and hands-on exploration. This approach worked perfectly for them and what they were trying to accomplish with their professional development. At Eduporium, we have the tools and ability to cater professional development to exactly what teachers or district officials need. So, whether you want something interactive or something with more information, we can provide a positive experience.

If you would like to set up a professional development session for your school, district, or teachers, please contact us at or give us a call anytime at 1 (877) 252-0001! Follow us on Twitter for more.