Technology is a truly valuable catalyst for robust learning experiences in the early grades but, by the time that kids get into their high school years, it is more of a necessity. The workforce is filled with an increasing number of STEM jobs that require coding, 3D printing, and other emerging skills. And, then there are those STEM jobs employers can’t even fill because there aren’t enough qualified applicants with the skills. A truly invigorated tech-based learning regiment in high school can change that and help position students on the fast track for success and these STEM tools can help.
It’s important, as it is in every grade, for high school teachers to know which technology offers the children the best preparation for life in the real world. Anything from a pocket-sized computer to complex robot kits could help students learn programming skills. Similarly, anything from 3D printers to CNC machines helps them master design skills. It’s finding the right combination of hands-on and theoretical tech training that'll help kids learn what'll soon be fundamental skills. For high school students who've used technology in the years preceding ninth grade, they'll also be ready to take a next step and cement their value as a member of the Future Ready society. With these recommendations of high school STEM tools, kids and teachers can develop an aptitude for up-and-coming technologies and an attitude for embracing uncertainty.
1. Arduino Starter Kit
Coding and also analytical thinking skills are the foundation of any Future Ready student. Perhaps one of the best EdTech products to help reinforce all the basic skills kids learn in the early grades with authentic STEM tools and coding experiences in high school is the Arduino Starter Kit. With the Arduino board and step-by-step instructions, students could also design and execute 10 increasingly complex programming challenges. In fact, they each illustrate authentic creation and manipulation of physical and digital objects using coding techniques.
2. Carvey: The 3D Carving Machine
The Carvey is a 3D carving machine that elicits a big impact for high school classrooms and makerspaces. Using object specs and parameters students input, they can construct crisp and detailed projects with the power of digital fabrication. It is super safe and unbelievably quiet, plus the Carvey is one of those STEAM tools that offers an invaluable extension of Maker Education that kids can leverage while they learn how to apply innovative ideas to solving real-life problems.

3. LittleArm Robotic Arm
This compact robotic arm enables kids to carry out simple and complex tasks using a bot-based assistant. Using its robot arm and controlling it from a computer program, students can enter the programming cues and the LittleArm device then executes the movements, resulting in everything from picking up an object to presenting your students with what they’ve asked for. It runs off an Arduino board and serves as a highly interactive introduction to the greater complexities of robot programming.
4. MOD-t 3D Printer
The MOD-t 3D printer is a simple and affordable but incredibly powerful option for first-time 3D printers. Its simplistic design and easy-to-use software enables students and educators to explore the intricacies of 3D printing from up close. Also, the MOD-t printer helps propel real-world preparation and energizes student-led inventions with end-to-end 3D printing experiences built on a STEM tool that’s fast, flawless, full circle, and, most importantly, safe.
5. Samsung Gear VR Headset
Any high school classrooms would be complete with a sleek new VR viewer. Many instructors feel scared, however, because they assume VR is too expensive or the technology is not applicable in education. Both views would be wrong. The Samsung Gear VR is less than $100 and helps students immerse themselves into almost any environment they'll think of. Studying ancient civilizations? Children could visit them. How about blood vessels? VR, combined with other STEM tools, can take them there as well.

6. The Raspberry Pi Computer
You might be already familiar with the Raspberry Pi computer and its potential to replace your traditional computer tower with a device the size of a credit card. That certainly is spot on. It can also help students explore coding in a variety of environments once they set this new computer up. Whether with Python or another programming language, the Raspberry Pi is a versatile and powerful device for enabling coding experiences. It also helps empower students to create programmable devices that run off of its code.
7. XYZ 3D Printers
Designed specifically for education, XYZ’s versatile STEM tools and 3D printers include something that fits in every classroom (and budget). Depending on your output needs, teachers could also opt for introducing students to the da Vinci Pro or da Vinci Duo or use that combination 3D printer and a scanner to maximize the time children spend designing their creations. Whatever your case, these student-centered 3D printing experiences maximize creative learning and help prepare kids for the future.
High school is the time for students to ramp up this technology usage and start using STEM tools in their learning experiences to prepare them for the real world. Each of these products are available on our store and we can help create custom STEM, maker, and IT solutions for students in the high school grades. So, whether you need help launching a 3D printing program, 1:1 initiative, or need to bolster a network in any classroom or library, Eduporium is the one-stop shop for everything you need to create authentic learning environments in the high school classroom. For more information or to get started, give us a call at 1 (877) 252-0001 or send us an email.